Vol 58 No 4 2017
Vol 58 No 4 2017
Vol 58 No 4 2017
Report on the 40th Assises de Pathologie of the Division Française Académie Internationale de Pathologie (AIP) held in Lyon, May 18-20, 2017
Report on the 40th Assises de Pathologie of the Division Française Académie Internationale de Pathologie (AIP) held in Lyon, May 18-20, 2017
AIP Celebration of 30 years of the AIP Bulletin
AIP Celebration of 30 years of the AIP Bulletin
Whatever happened to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, USA?
Whatever happened to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, USA?

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INTERNATIONAL PATHOLOGY (ISSN 0020-8205)published quarterly by the International Academyof Pathology.Circulation 23,000 worldwide.IAP WEBSITEhttp://www.iaphomepage.orgPRESIDENTGeorge KontogeorgosFormer Head, Department of Pathology,“George Gennimatas” General Hospital of AthensAthens, Greeceemail: gkonto@med.uoa.grSECRETARYRay McMahonConsultant Pathologist, Manchester Royal InfirmaryProfessor, Manchester Medical SchoolManchester, UKemail: Secretary@iapcent.orgwww.iapcentral.orgTREASURERHenry D. TazelaarProfessor and ChairDepartment of Laboratory Medicine and PathologyMayoClinic College of MedicineScottsdale, AZ, USAEDITORRobin A. CookeMayne Medical School, University of Queenslandand Pathology QueenslandBrisbane, Australiaemail: cooker@ozemail.com.auDESIGNLuke Perkins GraphicsBrisbane, Australiaemail: l.perkins@bigpond.comVol 58 No 4 2017This is one of the two meetings conducted eachyear by the AIP. The Assises is held in May inone of the cities outside Paris. It is conducted inFrench. The other meeting – the Carrefours is heldin Paris in November. It is conducted in English.The headquarters of the AIP is in Lyon. Thereis one full time Administrative Manager, nowHélène Moulin who was appointed in 2009. Sheis responsible for running the day to day affairs ofthe AIP and she shares the office with the Editor ofthe Bulletin. For some years a conference organiserhas been engaged to run the meetings.About 430 delegates attended this meeting. TheScientific programme was arranged by NicolasFroment, a long time Hon. Secretary of the AIPand President 2013-2014.The Association of Medical Laboratory Scientistsheld its annual meeting in association with theAIP. This 40th Assises was a special occasion to celebratethe 30 years that Christiane Bailly has beenEditor of the Bulletin. In this time she has published60 editions. The first edition of the Bulletinwas published in 1984. It was small, and in blackand white. With Christiane as Editor since 1986, ithas developed into a very professional publicationin full colour.It is read by pathologists of all ages throughoutFrance and other French speaking countries. It isan historical record of the French Division of IAP,and a reference book for up to date informationon a wide variety of topics that are covered in themany slide seminars that are held at the 2 annualmeetings. Many pathologists have all the Bulletinsin their laboratories and offices, and they are usedas reference books.The current President of the AIP, Geneviève Belleannéeinitiated the activities for this celebration,and put together a large team of authors for a specialedition of the Bulletin – the first edition for 2017-dedicated to Christiane Bailly. It is presented in theusual format of the Bulletin.One of the authors, André Balaton (President2009-2010) composed an advertisement for a newEditor. He listed the various skills that Christianehas developed during her tenure. Some of these,such as her meticulous attention to detail, andher knowledge of words and grammar she wouldContinued back pageXXX11 Int. Congress of IAPAmman, Jordan, by the Dead SeaOctober 14-18, 2018Report on the 40th Assises de Pathologie of theDivision Française Académie Internationale dePathologie (AIP) held in Lyon, May 18-20, 2017have had in 1986. However, the skills in editing,managing the rapidly developing computertechnology and using programmes for enhancingdigital images had to be learned. The network ofcontacts, both National and International that shehas acquired is only made by being in the job for along time. It will be difficult to find a replacementwith all of these skills.Other topics covered in the MemorialEdition of the BulletinThere are comments on her love of T shirtsand on her preparation of a lobster dish.One article reviews Congresses she has attendedand reported on. There are many pages of appreciationand thanks from pathologists young andold from all over France. (Many such letters ofappreciation had to be omitted because of spacerestraints.)Christiane was born in 1943 and spent her professionallife as a Staff Pathologist at the Centrede Lutte Contre le Cancer, Léon Bérard in Lyon.During this time she was a mentor and teacher ofmany pathology trainees. She used to conductHélène Moulin and Christiane Bailly at the MembershipInformation desk.AIPCelebrationof 30 yearsof the AIPBulletinAt noon on Friday May 19 the celebration ofChristiane Bailly’s 30 years as Editor of theAIP Bulletin was celebrated. The main lecturetheatre at the Conference was filled to capacity.This was an indication of the respect and lovethe French Pathologists have for Christiane.To honour the occasion, President GenevièveBelleannée with the help of a big support staffprepared a special edition of the Bulletin.After the welcome she read tributes from anumber of the contributors to the Memorial Edition.Many of these were extremely humorous,and they were greatly enjoyed by the audience,as well as by Frédérique Capron and Christiane.After the readings, Geneviève Belleannée presentedChristiane with a copy of the specialEdition. The audience then showed their appreciationand thanks to Christiane by performing aMexican wave accompanied by music. Next camethe presentation of the Special medal from thePresident of the Republic.Above: This photograph of the office of the AIP Division Francaisetaken in January 2002, shows the extremely cramped conditionsunder which most of the Bulletins were prepared. MicheleFontanière, the first long term Secretary is at the desk andChristiane Bailly is close behind her sitting at her computer.Right: Christiane Bailly, Madame la députée DominiqueNachury, Hubert Schvartz (Sec of AIP), Geneviève Belleannée(President of AIP)Christiane Bailly wearing the blue ribbon and MadameDominique Nachury wearing the red ribbon.Above: Madame Dominique Nachury a Chamber, Deputy in the FrenchParliament (Term of office 2012-2017) presents the special award Chevalierde L’Ordre du Mérite to Christiane Bailly. The National Order of Merit(Ordre national du Mérite) is awarded by the President of the FrenchRepublic. It was founded on 3 December 1963 by President Charles deGaulle. The reason for the order’s establishment was to create an awardthat could be given at a lower level than the Legion of Honour. ThisOrder has a blue ribbon. Legion of Honour (Ordre national de la Légiond’honneur), is the highest French order of merit. It was established in 1802by Napoléon Bonaparte to replace the orders of chivalry that were givenunder the previous Royal regime. These were given only to aristocrats, butNapoléon wanted to be able to make awards to soldiers and all other citizensfor services rendered to the State. The order is divided into five degrees ofincreasing distinction: Chevalier (Knight), Officier (Officer), Commandeur(Commander), Grand Officier (Grand Officer) and Grand-Croix (GrandCross). This Order has a red ribbon. Madame Dominique Nachury is aChevalier of the Ordre national de la Légion d’honneurBelow: Christiane Bailly with young pathologists.Below: Former presidents and members of the executive of the AIP. Kneelingleft to right: Jean-Christophe Sabourin (current president/ SFP: sociétéFrançaise de pathologie); Thierry Cruel (Board of Directors of DF AIP), Jean-Pierre Machayekhi (Board of Directors of DF AIP). Seated left to right:Christine Galant (Board of Directors of DF AIP), Chantal Donné (Pres.2000-2001); Christiane Bailly (Pres. 1990-1991); Mme. la députéeDominique Nachury; Frédérique Capron (Pres. 2002-2004); Hubert Schvartz(current secretary); Marie-Cécile Vacher Lavenue (Pres. 2011-2012). Standingleft to right: Sophie Stanislas (editorial board of “Le Bulletin”); Agnès Neuville(Pres elect DF AIP); Philippe Camparo (vice treasurer); Michèle de Villeneuve(Pres 2005-2006); Jean-Marc Guinebretiere (Pres 2015-2016); NicolasFroment (Pres 2013-2014); Geneviève Belleannée (Pres 2017-2018); Hubert Schill (current treasurer); Marie-Christine Saint-Paul (Board of Directors of DF AIP & editorial board of “Le Bulletin”). Insert far left: FrancisJaubert (Pres 1992-1993) and also Past President of the International Academy of Pathology (2005-2006).Christiane Bailly with members of the Executive of the LaboratoryScientists’ Association Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lyon:Fabienne Allias, Mojgan Devouassoux-Shisheboran, Mme la députéeDominique Nachury, Sophie Collardeau-Frachon, Christiane Bailly.Christian Nezelof Poster Prize, Caroline Duvalpresented by Hubert Schill.Below: Valerie Wilhelm, Dream PathDiagnostics. She designed a method for filingparaffin blocks and slides using barcodes.This year for the first time the AIP presented Gold Medals for distinguished service. The first was presented toChristiane Bailly. The second was presented to Robin Cooke from Australia, Editor of the International NewsBulletin of the IAP since 1994. The medals were presented by Francis Jaubert, President of the AIP (1992-1993) and President of the International Academy of Pathology (2005-2006).The presentation being made toRobin Cooke. Christiane in the background is admiring hers.Above: Roche Staff and Nicolas Froment (Coordinatorof Science Programme committee), Hubert Schill(Treasurer).Christiane Bailly and Robin Cooke.Jacques Beurlet Poster Prize, Vanessa da Cruz presentedby Hubert Schill.Thursday evening Cocktail Party atthe Congress Centre.After the cocktail party, about 90 peoplewere taken on buses to visit the LumièreMuseum in the Montplaisir Quartier of Lyon.This commemorated the memorable inventionof motion pictures by Antoine Lumière and histwo sons.Prepared by Robin Cooke with information from many sources,particularly Hélène Moulin, Chantal Donné, Geneviève Belleannée,the descriptions on the exhibits in the Museum and Google.Antoine Lumière (1840-1911). Antoine was a wellknown portrait painter who decided that he couldearn more money by establishing a company that madephotographic plates (a technique that was in its infancy)than by being an artist. He called it the LumièreCompany.This art deco house was built by Antoine Lumière (1840-1911)between 1899 and 1902. It stands in the grounds of his factory.After Antoine’s death the Lumière brothers then lived in it until theirdeaths. In 1982 the house was converted into a Museum called theInstitut Lumière. The ground and first floors contain the Museumdisplays. The third floor was designed to house 6 servants andanother room with 8 metre high glass windows to provide naturallight for Antoine to paint his portraits. This floor is now a library.The staircase between ground and first floors. Chantal Donné is atthe top of the stairs.4Antoine had two sons, Louis (1864-1948) and Auguste (1862-1954). The two boys were bothtechnically minded and excelled in science subjects, so they were sent to Technical School. In 1881 atthe age of seventeen, Louis developed a new ‘dry plate’ process. By 1894 the Lumière Company wasproducing around 15,000,000 plates a year.Left: Plaques on a wall thatcommemorate the annualLumière Award. Clint Eastwoodwas winner of the first PrixLumiere award in 2007. TheLumière Film Festival is anannual event held in Octoberin Lyon. It is organised bythe Institut Lumière, and aLumière Award is presented eachyear to an International filmpersonality who is judged to havemade significant contributions tothe film industry.Above: The Lumière factory, made famous as thescene for the first movie.Right: The first Cinématographe produced bythe Lumière brothers in 1895. Successful thoughthis invention was, Louis Lumière regardedhis making the first colour film in 1907 as hismost significant invention. He impregnated hisautochrome plates with the three pigments - red,green and blue. This led to the invention of themuch easier to use Kodachrome colour film in1935 that dominated the market for about 50years, to be replaced by the filmless digital images.Above: The first movie showing workers leaving the Lumière Factory in 1895. We then walkeda further 300 metres or so down the street to the Restaurant la Villa Marguerite. The house wasbuilt in 1900 by Auguste Lumière for his wife Marguerite Winkler in the same art deco style asthe Museum. It was converted to a Restaurant and is now being operated as one of the upmarketRestaurants for which Lyon is noted.Left: One of the tables at theRestaurant. Seated: Prof. JanickSelves (Institut Universitairedu Cancer, Toulouse, France),Mrs Ela Bel (NabeulTunisie), A friend of DrSelma Abdelmoula, Dr SelmaAbdelmoula (Laboratoired’Anatomie et de CytologiePathologiques, NabeulTunisie), Far right Jean-Christophe Sabourin (currentpresident: Société Françaisede pathologie and Service depathologie de Rouen, France).Standing: Prof Frédéric Bibeau(Caen, France), Hélène Moulin(Administrative Manager,French Division AIP), RobinCooke (Editor of NewsBulletin of the IAP), ChantalDonné (Argot Lab, Lausanne,Switzerland), GenevièveBelleannée ((President of theFrench Division AIP andHôpital du Haut-Lévêque,Bordeaux, France).Below: Some of the Lumière colour films are preserved in the museum.The colours are outstanding.Whatever happenedto the Armed ForcesInstitute of Pathologyin Washington, USA?When the AFIP, the Walter Reed Hospital andthe National Museum of Medicine and Sciencewere moved to their present site in 2011, a committeeof experts was appointed to advise on the future of thevast amount of material held in these Institutions. It wasdecided by the US Congress that this Repository shouldbe maintained, a decision spearheaded by Senator TeddyKennedy.Col. Dr. Frank Rentas was appointed in 2012 as Directorof the Repository. Since then he has been workingto identify the millions of objects held in the Repository,and to develop methods for identifying how the variouscoding systems work, so that they can be adapted to helpresearchers develop the potential that lies in the diversecollections in the Repository.On 21-8-2017 he kindly took Robin Cooke, a visitingguest speaker from Australia and Editor of the InternationalNews Bulletin for the International Academy ofPathology, Brian Spatola, Curator and Kristen Pearlstein,Collections Manager of the National Museum of Healthand Medicine, and Isabell Sesterhenn, a Senior Pathologistat the Joint Pathology Center on a tour of the storage facilitiesfor the main elements of the Repository.Storage of glass microscope slidesThere are two major storage units that are both basedon the same principles. They were demonstrated by Ms.Owens.Each case accession that has been received by the AFIPsince its inception is given a serial number starting with 1.When further material is received from each case the newmaterial is given the number x.01 etc. The new slides areadded to the original ones. Some space is allowed for suchadditions when the original slides are filed.The slides are then filed serially in large trays that areheld in the giant storage units.A master file is made that indicates the site of each slidein the system. Each tray is numbered and the list of casenumbers in each tray is recorded on the trays.The more modern one (Power column 2) is in use forstoring current cases.Each case has been catalogued according to its pathologicaldiagnosis. To retrieve the case from the storage,the pathologist needs to find the slide number from thecoding system.The tray number and the accession number of the slidebeing searched for is entered into a computer screen. PressGO and the trays start to move until the required tray isdelivered to a retrieval unit (a robot) that removes it fromthe storage so that the required slides can be removed. Arecord is made of who requested the slides with the date.The retrieval unit then returns the tray to the storagesystem and the trays are returned to their place in the unit.The older system houses slides from Accession number1. It is arranged on 4 levels each of which has a strongperforated steel base. On each level there are long columnsof shelves with a narrow corridor between theshelves.When slides are requested from this system the traysare moved horizontally on wheels moved by strong steelchains.The retrieval unit works on an elevator that takes it tothe level from which slides will be taken.Poster to illustrate the functions of the Joint Pathology Center.Frank Rentas (blue shirt), conducting a tour of the slide storage facility for IsabellSesterhenn (floral dress), Kristen Pearlstein and Brian Spatola. Ms Owens is about tosend the yellow robot up the columns of slide trays to find the first accessioned slide in thestorage facility.And here it is. The first slide accessioned by the AFIP.When the required tray is found the retrieval unit removesit and returns to the ground floor level where theattendant can remove the slides and make the record ofwho has borrowed the slides and when. It then returns tothe place where the tray was removed, returns it and thenthe system is activated again to return the trays to theirappropriate place in the system.Some problems that were identified in the system:Problem 1Two years ago, Dr. Sesterhenn was looking for sections ofInfluenza lungs from the Spanish Flu from 1917-1918.They were listed in the Diagnosis Catalogue but theirfiling numbers were not recorded, so she climbed thenarrow, steep, hazardous ladder that allowed her to findthe slides that were filed in the time frame nominated.She retrieved them and the blocks, and had new sectionscut for examination and photographing. This was a goodexample of one problem within the retrieval system.Problem 2Another problem that has been identified is how canmicroscopic sections be found that were taken from grossspecimens that are now in the archives of the NationalMuseum of Health and Medicine since the separation ofthe two entities that were once one?The Museum specimens have a Museum numberallocated to them, but not a microscopic number. Themicroscopic slides have a case accession number and amuseum number on them. If the Museum wants to retrievemicroscopic sections from the system they need toaccess it using the Diagnostic Catalogue and then searchthe slides to find the one with the museum number. Thisis tedious but necessary for any research that could bedone on the Museum specimens.The Museum is not allowed to take new sections fromtheir specimens so they need the microscopic sectionsthat were taken at the time of accession of the cases. Thisproblem is being addressed as part of the overall projectto make the items in the Repository available for researchto be done.Digital whole slide scanning of currentmicroscopic sectionsThis is an alternative or additional way to preserve glassslides. The digital images require a large amount of computerspace, but they are easily accessible and can be usedfor teaching, research and publication.A number of Leica Scan Scope (the largestcapacity ones) machines are being used.All the slides are scanned at the x40 objective resolutionand the end resultant images are very good.Recently a Philips machine was added. This scans slides at amuch faster rate than the current Leica machines.Paraffin blocksThese are stored in strong cardboard boxesin giant compactus units. The accession numbersare written on the outsides of the boxes.They need to be accessed manually.Tissue samplesLarge numbers of tissue samples are stored insealed plastic bags in labelled cardboard boxes.These, too need to be accessed manually.Special collectionsVeterinary PathologyThis is a major subsection of the Joint PathologyCenter and it is housed in its own building.Ms Owens with some of the storage columns in Power column two. It supplies a consultation service to the entire militaryContinued from front pagenetwork world wide and conducts active researchprograms.It also provides a 3 year live in training program for5 students at a time. Graduates from the course maybe employed in the Washington Center, or in oneof the many research centers that come under thejurisdiction of the JPC.It also has a big tissue repository that is being usedfor research.Information for this report was kindly supplied byCol. Doctor Clayton Simon, Director of the JointPathology Center, Col. Doctor Frank Rentas, Directorof the JPC Repository, Col. Doctor Derron Alves,Veterinary Pathology Service, Dr. Isabell Sesterhenn,Senior Pathologist at the Joint Pathology Center andMs. Owens, Custodian of the Repository. Photographstaken by Robin Cooke.Acknowledgements:Robin Cooke was invited to Washington in August2017 to deliver one of the monthly Science Café lecturesthat are arranged by the National Museum ofHealth and Medicine. The topic was entitled “100years later – The pathology of poison gas.”People responsible for arranging this visitCynthia Thomas CEO and President, American Registryof Pathology. Sciences LLC Provided the fundingfor the visit.Robin Stombler, President, Auburn Health StrategiesLLC, made all the arrangements for the visit.Adrianne Noe, Director of the National Museum ofHealth and Medicineand Andrea Schierkolk, Public Programs ManagerNational Museum of Health and Medicinemade all the arrangements for the Science Café presentation.Brian Spatola, Curator; Kristen Pearlstein, CollectionsManager and Matthew Breitbart, Photographer,National Museum of Health and Medicine, providedspecimens from the Museum to be shown during theScience Café lecture.Ms Owens entering a slide number in a computerised screen.Ms Owens retrieves the tray containing the case she was looking for.Current cases ready for filing in a tray to go into the storage unit.Slides in one of the storage trays.In the older Power column one there are narrow walkways betweenthe horizontal storage trays on each of the four levels. Each level has aperforated steel base. When slides are requested from this system the traysare moved horizontally on wheels moved by strong steel chains.Whole slide scanners are being used to scan all the recent cases, andultimately all the slides.Paraffin blocks are stored in large, strong cardboardboxes. They are retrieved manually.tutorial classes on Saturday and Sunday.She used to say ‘If you want to pass the NationalExams you must attend my tutorials.’She had the satisfaction of knowing thatmost of them did pass the exams. She retiredfrom Léon Bérard (Hospital) in 2008 andspent more time on the Bulletin.Even with this workload she managed todo a term as President of the AIP (1991-1992). Each of the Presidents since then haswritten an appreciation of her contributionto French pathology.The final chapter in the Memorial Editionis a humorous collection of cytology imagescompiled by Geneviève Belleannée and Mariedel Castillo.Prepared by Robin Cooke with informationfrom many sources, particularly Chantal Donné,Geneviève Belleannée, Hélène Moulin, theMemorial Edition of the Bulletin (1) 2017and Google.
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