Vol 55 No 3 2014
Vol 55 No 3 2014
Vol 55 No 3 2014
Report on Nepal
Report on Nepal
50th annual conference of the Medical Society of Papua New Guinea
50th annual conference of the Medical Society of Papua New Guinea
26th European Congress of the European Society of Pathology in conjunction with The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland
26th European Congress of the European Society of Pathology in conjunction with The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Report of the IAP Pakistan Division
Report of the IAP Pakistan Division
1st meeting of the IAP Turkish Division
1st meeting of the IAP Turkish Division
Retiring President Samir Amr
Retiring President Samir Amr

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INTERNATIONAL PATHOLOGY (ISSN 0020-8205)published quarterly by the International Academyof Pathology.Circulation 23,000 worldwide.IAP WEBSITEhttp://www.iaphomepage.orgPRESIDENTSamir S. Amr,Chairman, Dept of Pathology and LaboratoryMedicine,King Fahad Specialist Hospital,Dammam, Saudi ArabiaEmail: samir.amr48@gmail.comSECRETARYDavid F. HardwickUniversity of British Columbia Faculty of MedicineVancouver, CanadaEmail: iap.secretary@ubc.caTREASURERJ. Allan TuckerLouise Lenoir Locke ProfessorUniversity of South AlabamaMobile, USAEmail: atucker@usouthal.eduEDITORRobin A. CookeMayne Medical School, University of Queenslandand Pathology QueenslandBrisbane, AustraliaE-mail: cooker@ozemail.com.auDESIGNLuke Perkins GraphicsBrisbane, AustraliaEmail: l.perkins@bigpond.comVol 55 No 3 2014Continued back pageA Message from theRetiring PresidentAPIAP 2015I was honored and humbled by my election tothis esteemed office of this global Academy twoyears ago. Being the 65th President of IAP, andfollowing in the footsteps of legends in pathologylike Aschoff, Ewing, Mallory, Ash and Mostofi, I feltthe burden of the responsibility to continue the noblemission of our Academy in promoting educationin pathology worldwide. Having Professor KristinHenry as my predecessor, put even more demandson me because she is a tough act to follow with hertremendous contributions to the Academy, particularlyher leadership of the Education Committee forover 10 years.Being the first President from the Middle Easthailing from Jordan, a developing country, andrepresenting some underserved areas in that region,reflects changing times and attitudes in the philosophyof IAP. Our Academy is coming of age to bea truly international global organization in whichevery member, regardless of nationality, ethnicity,geographic location or politics, can serve on theExecutive Council of IAP in various capacities includingthe Presidency, as long as he or she is seen tobe worthy to serve in that office.I have been on the Executive Committee since1998. During this time I learned more about thefunctions, bylaws and history of IAP. I wish to payspecial tribute to our Secretary, Professor DavidHardwick, for his mentoring, advice and support.Our Thai colleagues led by Dr Pongsak Wannakrairot,have worked hard to prepare an outstandingmeeting in Bangkok, in spite of some earlier politicalinstability in their country. Having the meeting inAsia in a country neighboring several underservedAsian countries reminds us of the Cape Town Congressof 2012. Both meetings have allowed the IAPAPIAP 2015Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre,Brisbane, Queensland, AustraliaJune 4 to June 7For all enquiries contact:Hi Events Pty Ltd, Email: events@hievents.com.auWeb: www.apiap2015.comPh: +61733882548On behalf of the Australasian Division of theInternational Academy of Pathologists, I wouldlike to cordially invite you to attend the 9th Asia PacificInternational Academy of Pathology Congress(APIAP) June 4-7, 2015 in Brisbane.This significant event brings together a globalgathering of world-renowned pathologists and scientistswho are acknowledged leaders in their ownfields. Supporting this important educational forumdemonstrates our mutual commitment to pathologyand continuing professional development forpathologists, scientists and registrars working in theAsia Pacific region.I look forward to welcoming you to Brisbane in2015 and sincerely hope that you will join me, theCongress organisers, Linda Shen and Sam Borosand all the members of the Division in making thiscongress an outstanding success.Soon Lee, President of the ADIAPSamir Amr President of the IAP and his wife Iftikhar. “Behind everysuccessful man there stands a dedicated woman.”Sam Boros, LindaShen (Organisersof the APIAP,Brisbane), SoonLee (President ofthe AustralasianDivision of IAP).Nepal is a beautiful landlocked countryhaving the Himalayan range of mountainscomprising some of the highest mountainsin the world including Mount Everest. It is apredominantly Hindu country and until recentlywas a Monarchy, but is now a fledglingdemocracy.IAP records show that the Nepalese Divisionwas approved as a new Division at the October20, 1996 International Council meeting inHungary and had 10 members. The ExecutiveOfficers and founding members were Dr. H. G.Shrestha (President), Dr. Susheila Dali (Secretary)and Dr. Gita Sayami (Treasurer) from theDepartment of Pathology, Kathmandu University(K. U.) Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu.The IAP Nepal has been dormant since 2005,but there have been recent moves to reactivateit. The Association of Clinical Pathologists ofNepal (ACPN) is an active organisation and afterconsiderable discussion it was decided thatthe two bodies should combine.Many areas of Nepal have serious deficienciesin infrastructure - lack of electricity, poor internetconnectivity, lack of microscopes andother equipment and lack of certain Pathologyfacilities and tests etc.The IAP cannot assist with this, but it canassist by providing educational and academicsupport to Nepal. The Indian Division (IAP-ID)was asked if it could help. The Division readilyagreed to do that. The IAP Vice President forAsia responsible for the region is Dr. FranciscoCouto, a former Secretary and President of theIAP-ID. He encouraged Nepalese Pathologiststo attend international meetings and invitedthem to attend meetings of the IAP-ID. TheIAP (central) and its regional associates, particularlythe Asia Pacific Assembly of the IAP(AAPIAP) can offer bursaries to assist Nepalesepathologists to attend their meetings. OneNepalese pathologist was funded to attend theAPIAP meeting in Busan, Korea in September2013 and 3 have been funded to attend theInternational Congress in Bangkok in October2014.As an immediate measure Dr. Francisco Coutowas sent by the IAP as its Goodwill Ambassadorto Nepal and accepted an invitation fromthe Nepalese Pathologists to visit Nepal duringthe meeting of the Association of Clinical Pathologistsof Nepal (ACPN) being held on 28thand 29th March 2014 at the Hotel Yak & Yeti,Kathmandu.More than 120 Pathologists and trainee Pathologistsfrom all over Nepal were in attendance.The Faculty were well known speakers fromIndia, Bangladesh and Nepal. Dr. FranciscoCouto had several meetings with officials ofACPN and other senior Nepalese Pathologistsabout ways in which IAP can help Nepal ineducational and scientific activities.Dr. Rajesh Panth was President of the ACPNat the time of the meeting. Subsequently Dr.Gopi Aryal was elected President of the newlyformed combined ACPN and IAP Nepal Division.A new constitution for the combinedassociation is being prepared for ratification atthe meeting of the Council of IAP in Bangkokin October, 2014.At last count there were 18 Medical schools (underdifferent Universities) in various parts ofNepal imparting Medical Education and mosthad post graduate facilities for training Pathol-Report on Nepalogy trainees. There are problems of infrastructure inmany of these Medical schools but others appeared tobe adequately equipped and had senior teachers whocould impart Pathology training to pathology trainees.Dr. Couto also discussed with Dr. Ramesh Makaju,Dean and Programme Director of Medical Sciencesof Kathmandu University how the University couldhelp Pathology and Pathologists in various Institutionsunder it and how the IAP could also help in variousacademic matters.Francisco Couto, Vice President for Asia, InternationalAcademy of Pathology (Report and photographs).Top: L-R Santosh Kafle, Francisco Couto, Ramesh Makaju (Programme Director,Pre Clinical Sciences, School of Medical Sciences, Kathmandu University), SunitiShrestha, Sujan Sharma at the meeting held in Uni of Kathmandu, Sch. of Med.Sciences.Above: L-R Rajesh Panth, Ranga Basnet, H. G. ShresthaBelow: The Kathmandu University School of Medical SciencesSunrise over the HimalayasContinued page 6Pakistan is a populous country with a populationof over 190 million. ‘Pakistan Association of Pathologists(PAP)’ is the common platform for all thePathologists in Pakistan; its foundation was laid in1975, and since the early 1980s it regularly holds itsannual conferences in a city of Pakistan.In 2013, 37th annual conference of PAP was heldat Lahore from 20-22 December. Currently over 800pathologists from allsub-specialties (Histopathology& Cytology,Haematology, Microbiology,Chemical Pathology& Immunology)are regular members ofPAP. During last decadeindividual societies ofvarious sub-disciplinesof Pathology were alsoestablished and thesesocieties hold their annualmeetings alongwith PAP each year.In 1986, PAP took theinitiative to go aheadwith ‘IAP-Pakistan Division’ which was formally approvedin IAP Vienna congress. Unfortunately in lateryears however, though PAP activities continued, theIAP Division became dormant, so much so that youngergeneration of pathologists even did not know thatit ever existed.Incidentally in December 2011 in a pathology courseat Hong Kong I met Professor Ho-Keung Ng, AssociateDean (Education) from the Chinese University ofHong Kong. He motivated and facilitated revival ofIAP-Pakistan Division. I must also acknowledge DavidF. Hardwick, Secretary, International Academy of Pathologywho was so forthcoming and with that, wegot back our international status in 2012.I looked after affairs of the division as ‘InterimSecretary/Treasurer & Councillor for initial two years.First ever elections of IAP-Pakistan Division were heldin July 2014 and office bearers and councilors wereelected for a period of two years. Since 2012 mem-Samir Amr (President of IAP)presenting a commemorativeplaque to Shahid Purvez,(Secretary/Treasurer IAPPakistanDivision)bership of IAP-Pakistan Division is continuouslyincreasing and currently stands at 160.The first scientific meeting of the IAP-PakistanDivision was held on 2nd November, 2013 at PearContinental Hotel, Karachi with about 200 registeredparticipants from across Pakistan. Besidesseveral local speakers, Dr Samir Amr, President,International Academy of Pathology participatedas guest speaker and had a presentation on IAP, itshistory and educational mission.Dr Amr also presented a commemorative plaqueto Dr Shahid Pervez. Another foreign speaker wasDr Hakan Aydin from Singapore General Hospital.Poster presentations were also held along with bestposter awards.Another initiative in this region was the launch of‘SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation)Academy of Histopathology & Cytology’– (SACH). http://www.sach-web.org in 2013. I wasMembers of the Pakistan Division attending the Annual meeting ofthe Australasian Division in Brisbane, 2014. Saira Fatima, ZubairAhmad, Romana Idress from the Aga Khan Hospital, Karachi.First meeting of the revitalised Pakistan Division of IAP 20-3-14elected as the Founder President. SAARC countriesinclude Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan& Maldives. The first SACH conference was held atChittagong (Bangladesh) last year in 2013 and thesecond annual meeting of SACH will be held in Cox’sBazar (Bangladesh), a nice tourist town on the longestunbroken sandy beach of the world from Oct 31-Nov01, 2014. This forum has opened new opportunitiesto interact with Pathologists in this region in whichthere is a heavy burden of infectious diseases.We are fortunate that next IAP world congress isbeing held close to home in Bangkok, October 5-10,2014. This has given opportunity for pathologists fromPakistan to participate in good numbers. Many youngpathologists also received bursaries to be part of thisgrand pathology event.IAP-Pakistan division is now ready to both benefitand contribute internationally in general and in AsiaPacific region in particular; http:// www.aapiap.orgDr. Shahid Pervez, Founder President & Councillor,IAP-Pakistan Division.Email: mailto:shahid.pervez@aku.eduIAP-Pakistan DivisionREPORT4The Medical Society embraces not only doctors but alsonurses, scientists and some Allied Health workers. TheTheme of the Conference was “Achievements of the past50 years and Future Challenges.” The Society was formedin 1964 and the first conference washeld in Goroka in 1965.At the first conference therewere about 40 delegates. Therewas only a very small number ofNational doctors at the meeting.They had been trained at the MedicalSchool in Fiji.At this conference there were almost600 delegates, and the vast majorityof them were graduates of theUniversity of PNG Medical School.The Medical School is now graduatingabout 50 students each year.Two diseases that were unique toPNG - pigbel and Kuru were identifiedand eradicated in this period.They were both diseases caused as acomplication of social habits.Pigbel was an acute enteritis that presented as acute intestinalobstruction after eating pig meat contaminated by theCl. perfringens type C. Pigs were eaten only at times of bigcelebratory social gatherings. Kuru was a fatal degenerativeneurological disease that occurred in an isolated community,the Fore in the Eastern Highlands of PNG. It was caused bya prion that was transmitted by the habit of eating deceasedrelatives as a mark of respect.The final two days were devoted to meetings of specialinterest societies of which the Pathology Society of PNGwas one.The Society was founded in 1995. At that meeting themajority of the members were foreign nationals. At thismeeting Jonathan Oblefias and Robin Cooke were the onlyReport on the 50th annualconference of the MedicalSociety of Papua New Guinea(PNG)held in Goroka August 31 toSeptember 5, 2014foreign nationals. There are now 13 National pathologistsstationed around the country. All of these pathologists havehad their initial post graduate training in PNG and many havehad experience in working and studying outside PNG, mainlyin Australia.Until the late 1990s there were full time foreign nationalpathologists who carried the service load and helped in thetraining of the medical students and the M. Med pathologycandidates. Since then a number of Australian pathologistshave spent short periods in PNG supporting the diagnosticand teaching commitments of the Pathology Department inPort Moresby.Two National students were able to spend time in Australiaand obtained the FRCPA qualification from the Royal Collegeof Pathologists of Australasia. Another one spent a year in Londonand obtained a DCP from London University.Five of them have attended meetings of the Australasian Divisionof IAP in recent years under the Sponsored pathologistoutreach programme.At present there are 7 trainees in the M Med programme.Two are expected to graduate in 2015.Robin CookeRight: Students outside theLibrary of the Universityof Goroka. Goroka is inan upland valley at 5000ft. altitude surrounded bymountains.Below: Members of thePathology Society of PNGattending the 50th meetingof the Medical Society ofPapua New GuineaFront L-R Selua Mabone,Rodney Itaki, Poyap Rooney,Evelyn Lavu, Viola Asigau,Back L-R JonathanOblefias, Jacob Morewaya,Gabriella Ak, Seth Fose,Jacqueline Joseph, LucasKomnapi (microbiologist,Lae), Robin Cooke(Brisbane, Australia)Samir Amr (President of IAP) handing a commemorativeplaque to Sitki Tuzlali, (Secretary of the Turkish Division),Ilhan Tuncer (President of the Turkish Division).Report on the firstmeeting of the IAPTurkish DivisionFirst Meeting of the Turkish Division of IAP Dr Samir Amr, Dr Fatima Carneiro, Dr EmadRakha, Dr Ismail Matalka and some of the other speakers and a group of attendees.Left behind: Helmut Popper from Graz, beside him Ilhan Tuncer (President, Turkish Division).From the right, Sitki Tuzlali (Secretary, Turkish Division), Kutsal Yorukoglu (President, TurkishFederation of Pathology Societies), Ismaıl Matalka (President, Arab Division)Seated: Samir Amr (President of IAP) with the delegates from Macedonia.The first meeting of the IAP Turkish Divisionwas held in Istanbul at the Elite WorldHotel at Taksim, in the centre of the city on 7-8th of June, 2014. The theme for the meeting was“Current Issues in Diagnostic Pathology”The programme contained 13 lectures given by 4invited speakers and 6 Turkish speakers.Invited speakers:Samir Amr- Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Presidentof the IAPFatima Carneiro- Porto, PortugalHelmut Popper- Graz, AustriaEmad Rakha- Nottingham, United KingdomTwo other honoured guests were:Ismail Matalka, the President of the Arab DivisionandGeorge Burkadze, the President of the GeorgianDivisionThere were 94 participants (including the speakers).30 participants came from nearby countriesincluding Iraq, Macedonia, Azerbaijan, andBosnia. Their registration fees were providedfrom the industry.We hope in the future to support meetings in ourneighbouring countries, and are now starting thepreparations for our second meeting which willbe held in Ankara on 2-3rd of May, 2015. Thetopic will be “Soft Tissue”.İlhan TuncerPresident, Turkish DivisionSitki TuzlaliSecretary, Turkish DivisionPresident’s Message continuedto reach out to pathologists in neighboring countries,some of which are just emerging from social and politicalturmoil and wars.During my two years in office as President of IAP,I did my best to fulfill the global mission of the IAPto foster education in pathology. I tied to participatein the meetings of as many Divisions and countrieswithout Divisions as I could. I started with a visit toPhnom Penh, Cambodia in November 2012 to assistwith a histopathology workshop. This country wasdevastated by war and is building itself again. It had noDivision of its own. A short article on this workshopwas published earlier in the Bulletin.In 2013, I participated at the USCAP meeting inBaltimore. As well as my committee duties, I organizeda workshop on the history of medicine and pathologyin the Arab and Islamic world, a topic dear to myheart, at the History of Pathology Society companionmeeting. In September 2013, I attended the EighthAsia Pacific IAP meeting which had over 1500 participants.On October 3-6, 2013, I attended the meetingof the Indonesian Division of IAP, held in Palembangin the island of Sumatra. About 260 delegates attendedthat meeting coming from the many islands of thiscountry of 250 million people. I gave a presentationabout IAP and its history and mission. I wish to thankDr Diah Rini Handjari, Secretary of the IndonesianDivision, for her relentless efforts to strengthen andorganize this Division.I participated in the first meeting of the Pakistan Divisionof IAP, after its reactivation by a dedicated groupof Pakistani pathologists headed by Dr Shahid Pervezand Dr Naila Kayani, both from the Aga Khan University.The meeting was held in Karachi on November 3,2013 and is reported elsewhere in this Bulletin.The Arab Division of IAP celebrated its silverjubilee (25th Anniversary) at its meeting in Amman,Jordan on November 6-9, 2013. Dr David Hardwick,Secretary of IAP, and two Past Presidents (Dr KristinHenry and Dr Antonio Llombart-Bosch), and twoDivision presidents (Dr Mike Wells, British Divisionand Dr Annette Schmitt-Graff, German Division)attended this meeting along with another 350 delegates.It is noteworthy that this Division carriedon its meeting and workshops without interruptionsduring the past 25 years in spite of the wars and politicalturmoil affecting that part of the world.The chairman of the Organizing Committee wasDr Ismail Matalka, current President of the Division.He was assisted by several members of the ArabDivision including Dr Ghazi Zaatari, Secretary ofthe Division and Dr Maysa Hussaini, Chair of theScientific Committee. A pre-congress workshop oncytopathology was organized by Dr Mousa Abbadi.I visited Pakistan for the second time to participate inthe 37th annual conference of Pakistan Association ofPathologists (PAP) and 2nd Joint Conference of Societiesof Pathology of Pakistan in Lahore on December20-22, 2013. This meeting had the appealing motto:“Our young pathologists, our future”. I was keynotespeaker along with Prof Archie Prentice, President ofthe Royal College of Pathologists (UK) and Dr KennethA Fleming International Director, Royal Collegeof Pathologists (UK).2014, my last year in office has been especially busy.From March 1-7 I attended the annual meeting ofthe USCAP in San Diego. Late in March and thenin May, I organized workshops on soft tissue tumors,held in Muscat, Oman and Alger, Algeria respectively.Dr Angelo Paolo Die Tos from Italy and Dr Tarek AlZaid from Saudi Arabia were speakers in the Omanworkshop; and Dr Hatem Khoja was a speaker in theAlgeria workshop.On June 6-7, I attended the first meeting of theTurkish Division of IAP. Dr Sitki Tuzlali, Secretaryof the Turkish Division and Dr Ilhan Tuncer werethe driving force behind organizing this successfulmeeting. More details are in this issue of the Bulletin.On Sept 4 I co-chaired a session on “Teachingpathology for undergraduate medical students” at aspecial combined session for IAP and ESP at the EuropeanCongress of Pathology in London. More detailsare in this issue of the Bulletin.September 24-26, I am planning to visit Malaysia toparticipate in the first meeting of the newly establishedMalaysian Division. Dr Fouad Al Dayel, Past Presidentof the Arab Division and myself will conduct a BoneTumor workshop.October 5-10, straight after Malaysia, is the 30thCongress of IAP in Bangkok which is shaping up tobeing a spectacular event. In November, I am planningto participate for the second time in the meeting of theIndonesian Division which will be held in the city ofPadang. Finally, I will visit Souse, Tunisia to participatein the 26th Meeting of the Arab Division.There are a lot of young pathologists in all the countriesI visited who are eager to learn and keep up withadvances in our specialty. I noticed the dominance ofwomen pathologists in many countries, which probablyreflects the fact that more women are enrollingin medical schools and are finding pathology to be anappealing specialty. IAP must reach out to this newgeneration of pathologists with more workshops, localmeetings and educational material.I wish to salute all the officers of various Divisionsof IAP and all their associates and the many dedicatedpeople working hard around the globe underthe umbrella of IAP to offer timely and cutting edgeeducation and knowledge in pathology, all for betterpatient care. In Bangkok, I will hand the office of thePresident to my friend and colleague Dr Eduardo Santinifrom Argentina. I wish him success in his futuremission, and I hope that he will carry our organizationto higher and better horizons.It has been a pleasure to have been your President.Samir S Amr, MDESP CaptionPhoto caption ESP janeL to R: HK Ng, Samir Amr, Jane Dahlstrom, MikeWells, Han van Krieken, Nicki Cohen, Lisa Browning
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