Vol 55 No 1 2014 

Vol 55 No 1 2014 

IAP Congress 2014, Bangkok, Thailand

1st USCAP and German Division Joint Meeting

Gordon Museum, Guy's Hospital, London

Royal Hospital Chelsea

Int News Volume 55 Number 1 2014.pdf

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NTERNATIONAL PATHOLOGY (ISSN 0020-8205)published quarterly by the International Academyof Pathology.Circulation 23,000 worldwide.IAP WEBSITEhttp://www.iaphomepage.orgPRESIDENTSamir S. Amr,Chairman, Dept of Pathology and LaboratoryMedicine,King Fahad Specialist Hospital,Dammam, Saudi ArabiaEmail: samir.amr48@gmail.comSECRETARYDavid F. HardwickUniversity of British Columbia Faculty of MedicineVancouver, CanadaEmail: iap.secretary@ubc.caTREASURERJ. Allan TuckerLouise Lenoir Locke ProfessorUniversity of South AlabamaMobile, USAEmail: atucker@usouthal.eduEDITORRobin A. CookeMayne Medical School, University of Queenslandand Pathology QueenslandBrisbane, AustraliaE-mail: cooker@ozemail.com.auDESIGNLuke Perkins GraphicsBrisbane, AustraliaEmail: l.perkins@bigpond.comVol 55 No 1 2014My Dear IAP colleaguesTime flies so fast and the next International Congressof the IAP will be held in Bangkok, ThailandOctober 5-10, 2014.All of us on the organising committee haveworked very hard to ensure that this Congress willbe a most memorable one. We have arranged anoutstanding program including the main session,short and long courses, slide seminars and workshopswith presentations by world experts.There will also be a spectacular social programfor you to enjoy our oriental culture, Thai cuisineand our hospitality. Please log in to our website toget the special offer for registration, hotel accommodationand excursions. www.iap2014.comPlease do not be put off by the political situationin Thailand as shown on your television screens.Local residents and business travellers can, and doavoid the demonstration areas. Traffic in most partsof Bangkok is also moving normally and roads andexpressways apart from the Central Business Areawhere the demonstrations are occurring are notaffected by them.Businesses and public facilities including hospitalsare operating normally. Telephone and internetservices are operating normally. All airports inBangkok and throughout Thailand are open andoperating normally.During the current disturbances special serviceshave been installed in the airport terminals to assistContinued back pageIAP Congress 2014 - ThailandBangkok, October 5 to 10, 2014travellers. Interpreter services are also available in anumber of languages.Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau orTCEB provide updated information at - http://tceb.or.th/nc/news-download-center/news/My committee and I hope to see you in Bangkokvery soon.Pongsak WanakrairotPongsak WanakrairotPresident of the IAP International Congress,Bangkok, Thailand.Report on the First JointMeeting of the US andCanadian Academy ofPathology (USCAP) andGerman Division of the IAP.Cologne Sept., 13-15, 2013.This meeting was held at the Institute of Pathology,University of Cologne with participants fromAustralia, Greece, Great Britain, New Zealand,The Netherlands, Nigeria, Austria, Sweden, CzechRepublic and Germany.Speakers from both Divisions gave lectures onContinued page 4What’s new at theGordon Museumin the grounds of Guy’s Hospital, LondonOver the last few years many pathologymuseums in London have been closedand their specimens sent to a central museumin the area that is accredited to house anddisplay such specimens.The Gordon Museum now has specimensfrom St. Thomas’ Hospital, King’s CollegeHospital, the Royal Naval Museum, the WellcomeMuseum of Tropical Medicine and aZoological Museum. In the same time theMuseum has been able to move into adjacentrooms that were vacated by departments thatwere being rehoused in more modern accommodation.The display rooms in the Gordon Museumhave been repainted and redecorated in thepast few years and a new carpet has been laid.In 2013 the Curator’s office was refurbished.So now the Museum provides a pleasant,air-conditioned and well lit area in whichstudents can study gross pathology.The range of displays has been extendedwith the introduction of exhibits of medicalhistorical interest. The Curator has arrangedfor students to make a poster report of theiractivities during their elective terms. Theposters are displayed in the Museum and aprize is given for the best poster.The Museum is let to a range of organisationsfor them to hold meetings in thisenvironment.The Zoological Museum is housed inwhat was the library of Guy’s Hospital.When the library moved they did not wantto take their old, rather ornate woodenshelving. So they were converted into displaystands with lockable glass doors.A number of volunteers are employed toundertake projects related to the historyand display of the specimens.One of the specific collections within themain collection is a number of Forensicspecimens from cases that were investigatedRedecorated galleries in the Gordon Museum 26-9-13.Above: Keith Simpson’s ‘Acid Bath Murder’, ‘ChurchCellar Murder’ and ‘Kempston Ballast Hole Murder’.Below: Curator, Bill Edwards with one of the ipads onwhich he is putting programmes that have a pathologistspeaking about each specimen. ? Diagnosis of this case.Left: Bill Edwards in the newly refurbished reception 26-9-13.Below: Closeup of an ipad. The images can be enlarged orreduced in size by touching the screen. The pathologist whohas composed the mini lecture can also zoom in and out of thespecimen as he/she speaks. Bill now has over 300 specimens onthe ipads. He is slowly increasing this number.He is hoping that eventually all the specimens will be on theipad and students and visitors can take an ipad and study thespecimens in this manner rather than using a computer to lookup information about each specimen as is the present practice.Above: Gordon Museum 26-9-13. A Forensic Pathology display on one of the upper galleries. On display here thereare some of the items tendered to the Courts by Keith Simpson from some of the famous cases he had during WW2in London. These cases are described in the book ‘Murder on the Home Front’ by his secretary Molly Lefebure whotyped his dictated notes at all the postmortems he performed from 1941 to 1945. It was reprinted in 2013 inassociation with a popular two part documentary film by ITV that was aired in 2013.Below: Bill Edwards and his secretary in the reception area of his office early in 2013. In theforeground is Bill Dawes the former, now retired Curator who still goes there each Friday to help.Bottom: Gordon Museum, Guy’s Hospital. This lady is a retired graduate of Guy’s Hospital DentalSchool. She is working on a project involving some of the specimens. Note the renovated book casesfrom the former Library.Continued page 6 4Grodon Museum cont.by the Forensic Pathologist, Keith Simpson(1907-1985) who was based at Guy’s Hospitalfrom 1934-1982. He performed Forensic postmortems in London throughout WW2 andduring the ‘blitz’ when buildings were literallyfalling down around him. In 1947 from experiencesobtained before and during the disruptionof WW2 he published a Textbook forstudents ‘Forensic Medicine.’ This was themain textbook on this subject for many years.Above: A student poster made as a report on their experiencesduring an elective posting. Bill gives an annual prize for the bestposter.Gordon Museum, Guy’s Hospital. A student poster showing whathe did on his Elective Term.Left: Bill’s ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’ in the reception area. Thiscontains special items of interest from his museum. From aboutthe 1700s it was fashionable for well to do people in Europe tohave ornate Cabinets in their houses for displaying special itemsthat they wanted to show to visitors. This practice continuesthroughout the world to the present day. A special ‘Cabinet ofCuriosities’ was kept by people who wanted to display biological,geological and archaeological specimens. There was a specialisedtrade in which ‘collectors’ travelled the world looking for artefactsbeing discovered by biologists, geologists and archaeologists for saleto the people who had a ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’ in their loungerooms.Left below: Gordon Museum Zoological Collection housed in theformer library of Guy’s Hospital.The RoyalHospitalChelseaThe Royal Hospital Chelsea located onRoyal Hospital Road, Chelsea was foundedby King Charles II in 1682 as a retreat forwar veterans. It is a retirement and nursinghome for some 300 British soldiers who areunfit for further duty due to injury or old age.The hospital provides meals, accommodationand activities for all its residents.The inmates of this hospital are calledChelsea Pensioners. They wear their colourfuland distinctive red uniforms whenthey go walking in the city of Londonwhere they act as tour guides. By priorarrangement they also provide colourfulguards of Honour at formal occasions. Theannual Chelsea Flower Show is held in thegrounds of the Hospital.Anyone who is over 65 and has servedas a non commissioned officer or a regularsoldier, who has no dependent spouse orfamily, who finds themselves in need andwho is of ‘Good character’ can apply. Ifthey are receiving an army pension theymust forfeit this in lieu of accommodationand full meals. If they do not receive apension they must pay the equivalent ofthe full weekly army pension.In March 2009 the first two women inthe Hospital’s 317-year history were admittedas In-Pensioners.Above: The Royal Hospital entrance gate. The guard and the Chelsea Pensionerwho kindly showed me around the grounds.Above: N aspect of the yard. Dining room and state dining room.Below: Living units. John’s unit is just above his right shoulder.Continued page
Grodon Museum cont.by the Forensic Pathologist, Keith Simpson(1907-1985) who was based at Guy’s Hospitalfrom 1934-1982. He performed Forensic postmortems in London throughout WW2 andduring the ‘blitz’ when buildings were literallyfalling down around him. In 1947 from experiencesobtained before and during the disruptionof WW2 he published a Textbook forstudents ‘Forensic Medicine.’ This was themain textbook on this subject for many years
The Royal Hospital Chelsea continued Gordon Museum continuedThe buildings were designed by ChristopherWren. The 7’ 6” (229 cm) gildedstatue of King Charles 11 stands in thecentral court (the Figure Court) of theHospital.AccommodationThe accommodation quarters are seenbehind this Pensioner who kindly showedme around. They are single rooms ratherlike an army barrack type of accommodation,but ensuite toilet/shower facilitiesare being installed. Meals are taken in anornate communal Dining Hall.InfirmaryAn Infirmary in the grounds canaccommodate 100 pensioners with ensuite facilities and a view into the gardens.It caters for short and longer term casesand it features a special Dementia ward.It has communal dining and recreationrooms and a cafe for pensioners, staff andvisitors.The Infirmary has been rebuilt anumber of times. The 1960s infirmarywas demolished to make way for theMargaret Thatcher Infirmary which wasbuilt and completed in 2008. BaronessThatcher’s husband Denis’s ashes wereinterred there in 2003. Her ashes wereinterred there next to those of Denisduring my visit to London on September29, 2013. Her headstone reads ‘MargaretThatcher 1925-2013.’Burial GroundTo complete the services offered by theRoyal Hospital there is a burial ground.It was closed for burials in 1854 butIn 1941 he appointed a secretary, Molly Lefebure(1919-2013) to accompany him to mortuarieswhere he dictated his findings as he performedthe autopsy and she would type the reports at asmall table in the mortuary. She worked for himuntil 1945 when she left to get married. She wroteabout her experiences during this time whenSimpson performed about 7,500 post mortems.Her book ‘Evidence for the Crown’ was publishedin 1947. It was republished in 2013 underthe title ‘Murder on the Home Front’ which wasthe name of a popular TV drama produced in twoparts by ITV in London.Reading the book it is hard to realise that criminalsin London continued to operate as usualduring the devastating disruption of WW2. Thepolice and the courts continued to function, executionsby hanging continued, and the ForensicPathology service also continued. Keith Simpsonwas even able to collect data that would allow himto write a successful textbook soon after the endof the War.Information for this article was kindly providedby Mr. William (Bill) GJ Edwards, Curatorof the Gordon Museum, London. Photographswere taken by Robin Cooke, Editor.it was re-opened for cremated remainsin 2004. The names of all deceased In-Pensioners are recorded in a Book ofRemembrance kept in the Chapel.I am grateful to the Pensioner whoshowed me around the grounds andsupplied me with information about theRoyal Hospital, Chelsea.Robin Cooke, EditorTop and above: The Margaret Thatcher Infirmary. The ashes of Margaret Thatcher(1925-2013), a former Prime Minister of Great Britain were placed in theCemetery on 29th Sept 2013. They were placed next to those of her husband Deniswho died in 2003.Above: The CemeteryThe south aspect of the parade yard featuresthe gilded statue of the founder of theHospital, Charles II. Battersby power stationis in the background.Below: A peach tree in the square as youcome through the entrance gate. The annualChelsea Flower Show is held each springin the grounds just behind the tree. Thegraveyard and the infirmary are on the left.The main quarters building is on the right.the following topics:Pulmonary PathologyDermatopathologyGastrointestinal PathologyGynecological PathologyHematopathologyand a special lecture “Medical Museums AsTeaching Aids In The 21st Century.”We chose Cologne as the meeting venue becausethe IAP 2016 Congress will take place in Cologne.We thought this would be a good opportunity topresent Cologne as an attractive city for hosting bigcongresses and also for sightseeing.Due to the positive feedback from the participants,Bruce Smoller (USCAP Executive VicePresident) and Thomas Rüdiger (Acting Presidentof the German Division) decided to hold furtherJoint Meetings biennially, the next in September/ October 2015.Martina Schmidt, Chief Executive Officer,German Division of IAP.British Division delegates led by Kristin Henry (front row) andClaude Cuvelier (back row middle obscured).Front page: Picture taken from thebalcony of the Top floor Restaurantof the Kruh Brewery with CologneCathedral in the background.Reinhard Buttner (Past Presof German Div), Sigurd Lax(Incoming Pres of German Div),Bruce Smoller (USCAP Exc VicePres), Martina Schmidt (ChiefExec Officer German Div), ThomasRudiger (Pres German Div)Above right: Some of the speakers.Bruce Smoller, Kristin Henry,Dietmar Schmidt, AnnetteSchmitt-Graeff, Thomas Mentzel,Rhonda Yantiss, Thomas Kirchner,Christina Isacson.Right: Delegates from the USCAP.Adam Bagg, Kerry Crockett,Christina Isacson, Bruce Smoller,Rhonda YantissRight below: Cologne. A one hourRhine River cruise going Southpast the old port area. In theredevelopment, steel and glass offices and apartmentshave been built in the form of the cranes that used toline the river bank.Below: Margarete Radtke (Retired long term ExecDirector of German Div) and Martin Hansmann (aformer Pres of German Div).Bottom: Cologne Cathedral, one of the mostfamous in Europe. Although modern buildings andcommerce are crowding around it, the cathedral stilldominates the skyline of Central Cologne.Bottom right: Cologne. A wedding photo on the Westbank of the River Rhine.Left: Dietmar Schmidt, President and chief organiserof the International Congress for 2016 welcomes thedelegates to this meeting.

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