Vol 54 No 4 2013
Vol 54 No4 2013
Vol 54 No4 2013
8th Asia Pacific IAP Congress, Busan, Korea
8th Asia Pacific IAP Congress, Busan, Korea
Visit to Dong A University Hospital and Medical School
Visit to Dong A University Hospital and Medical School
Leopold G. Koss
Leopold G. Koss

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INTERNATIONAL PATHOLOGY (ISSN 0020-8205)published quarterly by the International Academyof Pathology.Circulation 23,000 worldwide.IAP WEBSITEhttp://www.iaphomepage.orgPRESIDENTSamir S. Amr,Chairman, Dept of Pathology and LaboratoryMedicine,King Fahad Specialist Hospital,Dammam, Saudi ArabiaEmail: samir.amr48@gmail.comSECRETARYDavid F. HardwickUniversity of British Columbia Faculty of MedicineVancouver, CanadaEmail: iap.secretary@ubc.caTREASURERJ. Allan TuckerLouise Lenoir Locke ProfessorUniversity of South AlabamaMobile, USAEmail: atucker@usouthal.eduEDITORRobin A. CookeMayne Medical School, University of Queenslandand Pathology QueenslandBrisbane, AustraliaE-mail: cooker@ozemail.com.auDESIGNLuke Perkins GraphicsBrisbane, AustraliaEmail: l.perkins@bigpond.comVol 54 No 4 2013This was attended by 11,000 delegates from 47different countries. The theme was ‘Pathology,Opening the Personalized Medicine.’ The emphasisnow in pathology is to provide diagnoses that willallow treatment to be tailored for individual patients.This becomes more possible as we continueto get further information from the molecular teststhat it is now possible for us to do on our tissue andother specimens.The scientific sessions were supported by a teamof International Experts, as well as experts fromKorea. Apart from the specialist sessions there were6 plenary Sessions, all of which were well attended.9 young pathologists were assisted with bursariesto attend the Congress. Delegates from China werealso assisted to attend.The social activities were enjoyable and the staffat all levels were friendly and helpful. We thankespecially the entertainers for their contributionto our enjoyment. Such a Congress could not bestaged without the help of our sponsors from thevarious Trade Organisations. Thank you all for yoursupport. The photographs with their captions givea coverage of the Congress, and hopefully conveysome of the pleasant atmosphere that prevailed.Shin Kwang Khang, President of the CongressYonsei University and MedicalSchool in SeoulIn the News Bulletin 01-2013 I reported on theformation of the Korean Society of Pathology andthe Korean Division of IAP. This article referred topathology after the Korean War. Now I would liketo report on one of the Medical Schools that wasfounded 100 years ago. To put this account intoperspective, we need to know something about thehistory of Korea.Korea was over run by its various neighboursuntil 1392 when the head of the Army establisheda Royal Dynasty with himself as King. This becamethe Yi Dynasty. It survived until the Japaneseoccupation that began in 1910 and lasted until theend of WW2 in 1945. In 1600 the King closed thecountry to foreigners and this embargo lasted forover 200 years. During this period Korea was calledthe Hermit Kingdom. The Korean War followedWW2. It divided the country into two separateStates and caused great destruction. It was not until Continued page 4The 8th Asia Pacific IAP CongressBusan, Korea September 5 to 8, 2013the 1960s that South Korea under the Presidency ofChung Hee Park began to develop its Industry, andit emerged as a prosperous industrial State.An example of this ‘Industrial Miracle’ can beTop: Chief organisers of the 8th Asia Pacific IAP Congress: Yong-KooPark ( Chair Scientific Program Committee), Shin Kwang Khang(Congress President), Kun-Young Kwon (Congress Vice President),Jeong-Wook Seo (Congress Secretary General).Above: Thai pathologists: Front L-R: A Prof Samrueng Rangdang,A Prof Tumtip Sangruchi, Prof Pongsak Wannakrairot. Back L-R: AProf Somboon Keelawat, Prof Sanya Sukpanichnant, A Prof SupindaKoonmee.Left: Members of the Korean organisingcommitteesBelow left: Opening ceremony. Back row:Yong Koo Park (Korea, Chairman ScientificCommittee), Francisco Couto (SE Asia VicePresident, IAP, Past President, Indian DivisionIAP), Samir Amr (Saudi Arabia, Pres IAP),Shahib Pervez (Past President, IAP DivisionPakistan), David Hardwick (Canada, Sec IAP).Front row: Woo Gyeong Kim (Korea, HaeundaePaik Hospital , Inje Uni, Busan, Announcerat the Conference), Naila Kayani (Chair ofPathology, Aga Khan Hospital, Pakistan), KunYoung Kwon (Korea, Chairman of the organisingCommittee for the Conference).Right: Posters display area.Above: Pulmonary pathology session: Back row: Yukio Nakatani, OsamuMatsubara, (Korea, front row blue top).Kathleen Cho (Uni of Michigan, USA) Speaker atthe first Plenary Session & Insun Kim.John Coloma, Filipines.Below: Korean costumes wornby staff from the Korean VisitorsBureau.Above: Haematopathologists: Insun KimBelow: Yong- Koo Park with the 8 young pathologists who were awarded scholarships of USD 1,000to attend the Congress. They came from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Jordan, Mongolia, Nepal, andVietnam (2).Below: Welcome reception dancers.George Ahn (USA).Above: MedicalEducation. DucksunAhn, Dae Young Kang,Toshimasa Yoshioka,Sand-Sook Lee, EunYoung Lee.Above: Shin Kwang Khang hands the flag to JaneDahlstrom for the next meeting to be held inBrisbane, Australia, June 4 to 7 2015.Above right: Mongolian delegates (L to R); Dr.J. Munkhbayar, Dr. G. Unurjargal, Dr. A.Amartuvshin, T.Uyanga, (Society staff ), Dr. G.Uyanga, Dr. Sh. Enkhtuya (Society president), Dr. S.Kherlenchimeg, Dr. D. Munkh-Od, Dr. M. Adiya,Dr. Kh. Buyandelger, Dr. D. Ariuntuya, Dr. B.Ganzorig.Above: Young Nyun Park (Yonsei Uni, Korea)Speaker at the second Plenary Session and JaJun Jang.Right: The drum and dance band.Below: Paediatric pathologists: Jane Dahlstrom(Australia) Chair of the session (centre front).Left: Bone and Soft Tissue session: Shinichiro Ushigome (Japan),, Chris Fletcher (USA), Yoshinao Oda (Japan), Fiona Bonar(Australia), , Moon Ho Yang (Korea), , Yong Koo Park (Korea).Below: Genito-urinary Session: Satish Tickoo (USA), Pheroze Tamboli (USA),David Grignon (USA) and Adeboye (Boye) Osunkoya (USA).Tran Minh Thong, Vietnam.Above: Endocrine pathologists: In the middle. Shahid Pervez (Pakistan), Alfred Lam (Australia),Bob Osamura (Japan) far right.Below: APIAP Business meeting 6-9-2013 Busan, Korea. Front row; Charles Ramey (Ass Sec IAP), Santosh Kafle (Nepal), Pongsak Wanakrairot (Thailand), John (Pres of APIAP), Samir Amr (Pres IAP), HK Ng (Area vice Pres IAP, Chairman Education Committee IAP), Angela Chong (Singapore), Jane Dahlstrom (Australia), Kwon (Korea). Back row; Yong Koo Park (Korea), Sjahjenny Mustokoweni (Indonesia), Nurjati Siregar (Indonesia), Tran Minh Thong (Vietnam), Jeong Wook Chairman of the Meeting), Yuichi Ishikawa (Japan), Diah Rini Handjan (Indonesia), Ryohei Katoh (Japan), Shahid Pervez (Pakistan), Bethy Suryawthy (Indonesia), Francisco Couto (India), Shih-Ming Jung (Taiwan), Robin Cooke (Editor IAP News Bulletin).4seen in the Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. inthe city of Ulsan which is close to Busan. Prof. KimDae Cheol from the Private Medical School Dong Ain Busan kindly took me to visit this company. Wevisited the factory in which the motor cars are madeand we were driven through the drydock area where the ships are underconstruction. The company makes6,000 Hyundai motor vehicles each17 hour day. The cars are driven tothe nearby dock where they are loadedinto Company owned container shipsfor transport to overseas markets. Thedrivers park the cars 7 cms from eachother. The shipyard has 4 cruise shipsunder construction and more in thepipeline.The company was established by‘Asan’ Chung Ju-yung (1915-2001).He laid the foundation of the companyin 1947, but it took off in 1967 and it is nowa world leader. Before he died, Asan founded aphilanthropic organisation that is steadily growingin importance. Yonsei University had a hard timeContinued page 6during the period of Japanese rule but the variousJapanese Governors General recognised the qualityand importance of the training and it was not closedas other institutions were. There was further severedisruption during the Korean War. North Koreantroops occupied Seoul and used theUniversity buildings as their Militaryheadquarters. This resulted in heavydamage from US bombing. As manyas possible of the Faculty fled toBusan where they joined the MedicalSchool there.Development of YonseiHospital and MedicalSchoolWhen Korea was opened to the restof the world in the late 1800s amedical missionary doctor, HoraceNewton Allen from the PresbyterianMissions in New York, arrived in Seoul. In 1884 hehad the good fortune to save the life of the nephewof the Queen. This led to Dr. Allen founding a hospitaland introducing Western Medicine into Korea. In1886 he and his colleague Dr. JW Heron establisheda medical school.Congress Organiser Company (COEX): Angie Choi (chief ), AliceKim, Chine Jo.Indonesian delegates: Nurjati Siregar, Bethy Suryati, SjahjennyMustokoweni and Diah Rini Handjari.Severance Hospital 1904Yonsei University Hospital now.Inset above: Dr. Horace N. Allen established a hospital and medicalschool that became the Yonsei Medical School and Hospital in 1886.Below: Hyundai car factory Entrance.Right: Hyundai shipbuilding (photo copied from thepublicity brochure).Yonsei University and Medical School in Seoul continuedThailand), John Coloma (Philippines), David Hardwick (Sec IAP), Bob OsamuraAustralia), Andrew Field (Australia), Gary Tse (Sec APIAP), Kun YoungWook Seo (Korea), Osamu Matsubara (Japan), Shin Kwang Khang (Korea,(Indonesia), Jeong Wook Seo (Korea), Enkhtuya Sharkhuu (Mongolia),Japanese delegates: Ryohei Katoh, Osamu Matsubara, RobertOsamura (Convenor of APIAP and Vice President Asia of theIAP), Yuichi Ishikawa.This is one of a number of privately run Universitiesin Busan. There are many othersthroughout Korea. Prof. Jeong Jin-Sook invitedme to visit and to give a lecture to her medicalstudents. This Medical School opened in 1987and Jin has been on the staff from its opening.The University is in a semirural setting on theoutskirts of Busan. The Pathology Departmentis responsible for teaching pathology and forproviding a service to the hospital.Visit to Dong A UniversityHospital and Medical SchoolHaeundae Beach. At the end of the beach there is a fishing fleet, fish market andfish restaurants. Haeundae is an artificial Beach. The sand was obtained from thedigging of the foundations of the high rise hotel buildings along its edge.Top: Dong A University Hospitalin semi rural surroundingswith Gudock Mountain in thebackground.Above: Pathologists at Dong AHospital and University: L - KimDae Cheol, , Head of Department,Jeong Jin-Sook (black suit).Left: Dong A full year of 55medical students at the end ofRobin Cooke’s Lecture.Below left: Paradise Hotel Busan.One of the Congress Hotels. It wasright on the Haeundae Beach.Below: Diamond bridge builtbetween two headlands of the bayand beach next to Haeundae Beach.The bridge made access between theCity centre and Haeundae Beachmuch easier than it had been inthe past.Dr. Oliver R. Avison followed Dr. Allen. In 1900 hevisited New York to try to raise $10,000 to build a newhospital. There he met a philanthropist, Louis H. Severancewho gave him that amount of money and then morelater. As a result the first modern hospital in Korea wasopened in September 1904. It was named the SeveranceMemorial Hospital. It then became the Severance UnionMedical College.The first regular class of medical students was enrolledin 1900. The first class of 7 men graduated in June of1908. The Severance Union Medical College remainedthe only medical school for Koreans, operated by Koreansuntil the end of the Japanese colonization. Then it wasamalgamated with another Christian University to formthe new Yonsei University in January of 1957. This newYonsei University Medical Centre was built by collaborationbetween the US 8th Army and local organisations.From that point it has continued to advance to meet thechallenges of constant changes in medical education andin the ministry of healing. It is now regarded as being oneof the leading privately run Schools in the country.The Japanese Government founded an Imperial UniversityMedical College in 1924. This was closed by theUnited States Army Military Government in Korea in1946 and was merged into Seoul National University.Composed with information supplied by Prof. Woo-Ick Yang, Yonsei University Medical School.Robin Cooke (editor).Yonsei University and Medical School in Seoul continuedThe International Collaboration on CancerReporting (ICCR) was established in 2011,initially as a quadripartite effort between thePathology Colleges of the USA, UK, and Australiaand the Canadian Association of Pathologistsin conjunction with the Canadian Partnershipagainst Cancer.The ICCR, recognising that internationallystandardised information on tumour classification,staging, prognostic and predictive information isa prerequisite for clinical care, epidemiologicalresearch and benchmarking in cancer managementboth nationally and internationally, seeks toproduce, disseminate and foster the implementationof internationally validated, evidence-basedpathology cancer datasets (IPCDS) using the bestapproaches of all countries involved.In 2011, the ICCR completed a pilot programin which the quadripartite alliance successfullydeveloped evidence-based pathology datasets formelanoma and cancers of the prostate, lung andendometrium, including required, recommendedelements and value lists. By using stringent criteriafor assessment of evidence, the committees,comprising many world-leading experts, were ableto simplify or improve pre-existing datasets andexclude outmoded data elements. Subsequently,and with the generous assistance of IAP Centraland our many IAP Divisions worldwide, the datasetshave been subjected to comprehensive internationalconsultative review and consolidation.Enthusiastic peer review of the four datasets hasalso led to publication in major pathology journals(ref1-4) and the datasets have been published tothe ICCR website (ref5).Following an ICCR presentation to the WorkingGroups of the European Society of Pathology(ESP) in Prague, 2012, the ESP joined the Collaborationas a full founding member in 2013, thusbringing over 68 countries and more than onebillion people under a common process.As much of the dataset content is dependentupon the current and evolving classification andstaging for each tumour, the ICCR has workedclosely with the relevant key international cancerorganisations. The International Agency forResearch in Cancer (IARC), which publishes theWHO Classification Volumes or “Blue Books”and hosts the International Association of CancerRegistries, supports the ICCR and is representedon the ICCR committees to enable synchroniseddevelopment and publication of both WHO tumourclassifications and ICCR cancer datasetsbeginning with Tumours of the Thorax in 2014.Engagement with organisations involved in stagingsuch as the American Joint Commission onCancer (AJCC) and International Federation ofGynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) is underwayand the Union for International Cancer Control(UICC) is providing enthusiastic support:“UICC has been the custodian of the TNM classificationof malignant tumours consensus processfor over 70 years. We are happy to endorse theICCR and join the steering committee, to maximisesynergies and build the capacity of pathologistsand cancer teams worldwide to respond to thegrowing need for their services” Jim Brierley PMHToronto and co-chair of the UICC TNM corecommittee.Engagement of developing countries is vital forthe ICCR process to ensure the datasets are “fitfor purpose” in these communities. To begin thisprocess, the Chair of the ICCR, A/Prof David Ellisspoke at the African Organisation for Teaching andResearch (AORTIC) meeting in Durban in November2013 and engaged with the newly formedpan-African Pathology Forum to encourage theirinvolvement.International communication networks are criticalfor the success of projects like ICCR. TheIAP, through its Aims and global reach, is uniquelyplaced to support such projects and we thank allthose within the IAP Central and the many Divisionsfor their vital support.Refs1 McCluggage WG, Colgan T, Duggan M, Hacker NF, MulvanyN, Otis C, Wilkinson N, Zaino RJ and Hirschowitz L(2012). Data Set for Reporting of Endometrial Carcinomas:Recommendations From the International Collaboration onCancer Reporting (ICCR) Between United Kingdom, UnitedStates, Canada, and Australasia. International Journal ofGynecological Pathology 32:45-65.2 Jones KD, Churg A, Henderson DW, Hwang DM, Wyatt JM,Nicholson AG, Rice AJ, Washington MK and Butnor KJ (2013).Data Set for Reporting of Lung Carcinomas: RecommendationsFrom International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting.Arch Pathol Lab Med. 137(8):1054-1062.3 Kench J, Delahunt B, Griffiths DF, Humphrey PA, McGowanT, Trpkov K, Varma M, Wheeler TM and Srigley JR (2013).Dataset for reporting of prostate carcinoma in radical prostatectomyspecimens: recommendations from the InternationalCollaboration on Cancer Reporting. Histopathology 62:203-218.4 Scolyer RA, Judge MJ, Evans A, Frishberg DP, Prieto VG,Thompson JF, Trotter MJ, Walsh MY, Walsh NMG, and Ellis DW(2013). Data Set for Pathology Reporting of CutaneousInvasive Melanoma Recommendations From the InternationalCollaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR).American Journal of Surgical Pathology. In press5 http://www.rcpa.edu.au//Library/Practising-pathology/ICCR/Cancer-DatasetsLeft: Members of the ICCR working group meeting at the USCAPin 2013. Front: G Birdsong (USA), D Ellis (Australia), M Wells(UK). Back: J Srigley (Canada), J Dvorak (USA), B Chmara(USA), MK Washington (USA), L Hirschowitz (UK).Leo Kossreceived theDistinguishedPathologistAward atthe USCAPMeeting AtlantaMar 7, 2001.
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