Vol 54 No 1 2013
Vol 54 No 1 2013
Vol 54 No 1 2013
History of Pathology in Thailand
History of Pathology in Thailand
History of Pathology in Korea
History of Pathology in Korea
Vale Karl Lennert
Vale Karl Lennert

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NTERNATIONAL PATHOLOGY (ISSN 0020-8205)published quarterly by the International Academyof Pathology.Circulation 23,000 worldwide.IAP WEBSITEhttp://www.iaphomepage.orgPRESIDENTKristin HenryImperial College London atCharing Cross HospitalFulham Palace Road,London W6 8RF, United KingdomEmail: k.henry@imperial.ac.ukSECRETARYDavid F. HardwickUniversity of British Columbia Faculty of MedicineVancouver, CanadaEmail: iap.secretary@ubc.caTREASURERJ. Allan TuckerLouise Lenoir Locke ProfessorUniversity of South AlabamaMobile, USAEmail: atucker@usouthal.eduEDITORRobin A. CookeMayne Medical School, University of Queenslandand Pathology QueenslandBrisbane, AustraliaE-mail: cooker@ozemail.com.auDESIGNLuke Perkins GraphicsBrisbane, AustraliaEmail: l.perkins@bigpond.comVol 54 No 1 2013IAP International Congress 2014Bangkok, ThailandAfter the success of IAP 2012 in Cape Town, theInternational Congress will move from Africa to Asiain 2014.I and my Organising Committee welcome thepathologists of the world to Thailand for the nextInternational Congress of the IAP to be held inBangkok, October 5-10, 2014. You will be impressedwith our hospitality. Enjoy the oriental culture andstrengthen up your networks among us. The Congressatmosphere will satisfy you in both its academic andleisure aspects.The Thailand Division has started planning for aperfect program for all participants; not only the academicpart, but the social part as well. We will ensurethat your stay is a memorable moment.History of Pathology inThailandOnly traditional Thai medicine was taughtbefore 1888 when the first Government hospital,the Siriraj Hospital, was founded in Bangkok.The first Western style Medical School was establishedin this hospital 2 years later as a Royal MedicalCollege. In 1917 the Chulalongkorn Universitywas established and the Royal Medical Collegebecame part of this University.In 1943 Siriraj and its associated Hospitalsformed a new University called the University ofMedical Science. In 1969, King Bhumipol namedthis Universtiy Mahidol University after his father,Prince Mahidol of Songkla.In 1946 a new Faculty of Medicine was createdwithin the Chulalongkorn University in associationwith the Thai Red Cross.In the early years, postmortem examinations wereperformed by physicians because pathologists werenot available. Fourth year medical students attendedthese postmortems. (Fig. 1)From 1914 a central laboratory for “germ identification”was located in the Saowaphak Building.From time to time this provided some teaching formedical students. (Fig 2.)Pathology in Thailand was heavily influenced bysome of the most prestigious Pathology Institutionsin the USA.On the first of July 1919, Dr. Aller Gustin Ellis,(Fig. 3) an associate Professor of Pathology at JeffersonMedical College in the city of Philadelphia,Continued page 2Come to Thailand forCongress 2014See you in Thailand 2014.Pongsak Wanakrairot, President of the 2014International CongressBelow: Fig 1- Autopsies being performed in the early days and Fig2- Saowaphak building, the first Clinical Pathology laboratory.came on a two year contract to help Prince Rangsitof Jainard to improve preclinical teaching, and to establisha pathology service at the Siriraj Hospital. Hebrought the first rotary microtome and established aproper Surgical Pathology and Autopsy service. Thefirst tissue diagnosis was made on the 19th of September1919. It was a myeloma involving the tibia.This occasion is depicted in the display in the EllisPathology Museum. (Fig. 4)Dr. Ellis was successful in establishing the pathologyservices at Siriraj Hospital and he alsopublished 5 articles in theMedical Journal of theSiamese Red Cross. (nowthe “Journal of the MedicalAssociation of Thailand”).Two of these articlesreported the statisticsof one hundred and twohundred post-mortem examinationsin Bangkok.This initiated interest inpublic health, epidemiologyand the formation ofa Tumor Registry.Dr. Ellis returned toJefferson Medical Collegeand became acting Chairmanof the PathologyDepartment from 1922to 1923.Jefferson Medical College was 100 years old andwas already one of the most prestigious in the USA.It was founded in 1824 as the second Medical Schoolin the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The firstSchool, the Medical School of the University ofPennsylvania, was founded in 1765 and was the firstMedical School to be established in the USA.In 1924 he was offered the position of Professor ofPathology and Chairman of the Department at Jefferson.A week before he was to take up this prestigiousoffer, he received an invitation from Siam to becomethe Director of the Medical School at Siriraj Hospital.This position was to be funded by the Governmentof Siam in collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation.So, to the great benefit of our country, hedecided to spend the next 15 years of his life contributingto medical education in Thailand. The courseshe designed lasted right up to 1979.The second Chairman of the Pathology Departmentwas Chalerm Prommas. He went to the USAfrom 1923 - 1925 and worked in the Pathology Departmentof the Johns Hopkins Hospital in the cityof Baltimore. There he received a Ph.D. in PublicHealth. William G. MacCallum (second President ofthe IAP 1908-1909) was Chairman of the PathologyDepartment at that time.When he returned from the USA, he and SvastiDaengsvang published a seminal article on the lifecycle of Gnathostoma spinigeru. Later he becamethe Director of the Departmentof Medicine in the Ministry ofEducation, and was involved inestablishing Medical Schools inthe Chulalongkorn (1946) andChiang Mai (1961) Universities.Some other importantearly PathologistsKhun Sribhishaj received his pathologytraining as a RockefellerFoundation Visiting Fellow inPathology during 1927-1930 inthe Department of Frank B.Mallory (President of the IAP1922-1924) at the Boston CityHospital, USA. He then workedwith George H. Whipple in hislaboratory at Strong MemorialHospital, University of Roches-Fig 3: Aller G. Ellis,Fig 4: An exhibit in the Ellis Pathology Museum.ter School of Medicine and Dentistry.Khun Sribhishaj was recognized at that time as themost proficient pathologist in Thailand and he wasthe first instructor to introduce clinicopathologicalconferences (the so-called “mini CPC”) as a way ofteaching pathology to medical students.Pradit Tansurat was a parasitologist who latertrained to be a pathologist. He spent some time inthe Department of Lauren V. Ackerman at WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis, USA. There he receiveda Ph.D. for his thesis on “Histopathologic changesinduced by nitrogen mustard.”Prof. Tansurat in 1938 was the first to introducethe conventional clinicopathological conference(CPC) in Thailand at Siriraj Hospital. The first casewas one of “pneumoperitoneum”. From then up tothe present writing, the Pathology Department hascontinued to present hospital CPCs.Prof. Tansurat established the first residency trainingin anatomical pathology in Thailand in 1954.From 1958 he arranged regular monthly scientificmeetings with some of his fellow pathologists.He was a co author of the WHO Histologic Typingof Oropharyngeal Tumours in 1971.Above left: Chalerm Prommas. Above right: Pradit TansuratElephant rides in Mid Thailand.Below: Woman selling bananas in the grounds of a temple.Below: Lotus flowers in a pond.Below right: An ancient Buddhist temple in mid ThailandEstablishment of the Thailand Division ofthe IAPIn September 1959, Dr. Paul D. Rosahn from YaleUniversity School of Medicine came to Thailand as aVisiting Professor of Pathology. He suggested to themeeting that a Thailand Division of the InternationalAcademy should be established. He then wroteto Dr. FK Mostofi inquiring about the feasibilityof organizing a Thai Division. Dr. Mostofi wroteback an encouraging letter and sent an outline ofthe constitution.Dr. Pradit Tansurat, Dr. Rosahn and others drewup a Constitution and By-Laws of the proposed ThaiDivision. The inaugural meeting of the ThailandDivision of the IAP was held on January 27, 1961 atthe Royal Thai Army Institute.There are now 359 Anatomic Pathologists workingin all parts of Thailand covering diagnostic services,teaching and research, in public hospitals and in theprivate sector. While being active members of theIAP we are also members of the Royal College ofPathologists of Thailand which also includes ClinicalPathologists and Forensic Pathologists.Sanya Sukpanichnant and Tumtip SangruchiDepartment of Pathology, Faculty of MedicineSiriraj Hospital, Mahidol University.Above: Chulalongkorn Hospitals - from foreground to background -Bhumipol, Sirikit and the Chulalongkorn Medical School. Runningbeside these Institutions is the elevated fast train public transportsystem and the freeways. Small park on the right.Ornamental pools and gardens in the grounds of an ancient temple.Siriraj Hospital and Mahidol University Medical School on the banks of the Chao PhrayaRiver.Above: A five star hotel on the banks of the Chao Phraya River.Below: View of a private club and horse racing course taken from the top floor of theChulalongkorn Medical School building.Above: One of the many ancient Buddhist temples in midThailand.Below: Shopping in Bangkok4Hosted by the KoreanDivision of IAP and theKorean Society of Pathololgists.Contact:Congress SecretariatEmail: angie@coex.co.krwww.apiap2013.orgThe Korean Divisioninvites all pathologiststo attend thismeeting which is beingarranged by Shin-KwangKhang, Chairman of theorganizing committee,Kun-Young Kwon (viceChair), Yong-Koo Park (Chair, ScientificProgram), Jeong-Wook Seo (Secretary-General) and by many other local committeemembers.The web page is open and Registrationsand Submissions of abstracts for presentationof papers are being sought.An interesting and wide ranging series oftopics has been scheduled.There will be six Plenary speakers -Kathleen Cho (USA),Young Nyun Park (Korea),Ignacio Wistuaba (USA),Masashi Fukayama (Japan),Stuart J. Schnitt (USA),Christopher Fletcher (USA)Participants and accompanying personswill enjoy various social events such asa welcome reception,gala dinner, a hospitaltour, an accompanyingperson’s tour, and numerousopportunitiesfor tourism before andafter the congress.For Young Pathologistsfrom underserved countries,registration feeswill be waived, andthere will also be someYoung Pathologist TravelAwards.Busan is the internationalmaritime city and thesecond biggest city inKorea where the sea, rivers, largemountains and natural hot springsexist harmoniously with sprawlingurbanisation. BEXCO is locatednear the beautiful Haeundaebeach in Busan, and is not onlya Convention Center but also amajor site of attraction for touristsand shoppers.About Pathology in KoreaThe Korean Society of Pathologists(KSP) was founded on October1, 1946. In the beginning,the activities of the KSP were focusedon experimental researches.In 1963, a resident systemwas adopted for the training ofpathologists, and the first boardcertification examination was conducted.Since then, surgical pathology hasAPIAP 2013The 8th Asia Pacific IAP Congressat BEXCO (Busan Exhibition & Convention Center), September 5-8, 2013Busan, Korea‘Pathology, Opening the Personalized Medicine’become a major part of the activities of theKSP.In 1981, the KSP became a member of theIAP, and educational activities are now conductedby the joint societies. The Presidentof the KSP also serves as the President ofthe Korean Division of IAP.The KSP has 1004 members (including 145residents). The IAP Division has 202 regularmembers.In 1999 the joint societies conducted thesecond meeting of the APIAP in Seoul.The Korean Society for Cytopathology(KSCP), founded in 1986 was incorporatedas an affiliated Society of the KSP. Cytotechnologistsare full members of the KSCP.The KSP/IAP holds annual meetings inthe 2nd week of May and the 3rd week ofOctober. They also hold six monthly slideseminars, 3 workshops or symposia formembers, and 2 educational programs forresidents every year.The annual meetings usually attract about500 attendees.Regional societies and studygroups run their own slide seminars as well.The KSP/IAP holds regular joint meetingswith the Japanese Division of IAP for hematopathology,gynecological pathology,endocrine pathology, renal pathology, pathologyof bone and soft tissue, pulmonarypathology and cytology .The Korean Journal of Pathology (http://koreanjpathol.org) is an open access, officialEnglish Journal of the KSP/IAP and theKorean Society for Cytopathology. (http://www.cytopathol.or.kr/eng)The first edition was published in 1967.Until February 2012 it was published in theKorean language, but since then it has beenpublished in English. Now, it publishes 6issues every year.Information for this article was provided byShin-Kwang Khang.Left:Vice Chair of the Organizing Committee, Kun-Young KwonRight:Chair of the Organizing Committee, Shin-Kwang KhangAbove and top: Haeundae Beach, the location of the Busan Exhibitionand Convention Center in the daytime and the evening.The 150th anniversary of the creation of theAcademic Pathology Chairs in the Universitiesof Lisbon, Coimbra and Porto in Portugal.The 25th European Congress of Pathology of the EuropeanSociety of Pathology31 August to 4 September 2013, Congress Centre of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.“Pathology: A gate to the future”Scientific InformationThe aim of the organizers is to provide anup-to-date scientific programme coveringall major areas of diagnostic and molecularpathology. Special emphasis will beput on both the recent discoveries and thereinforcement of close clinico-pathologicalcooperation.The motto of the Congress – “Pathology: Agate to the future” – is guiding the designand content of the scientific sessions.Scientific sessions will comprise SlideSeminars, Short Courses, Symposia andVideomicroscopy Sessions. Four KeynoteLectures will address some hot topics ofthe present and the future of Pathology.Attendance at all sessions, including SlideSeminars, is free.Plenary Residents’ SeminarAs part of the Congress the European Societyof Pathology (ESP) and the PortugueseSociety of Anatomic Pathology (SPAP) areorganizing a Plenary Residents’ Seminar(PRS), whose “Grand Finale” will take placeduring the Closing Events of the Congress.The Seminar will be chaired and presentedby Prof. Ales Ryska (Czech Republic).For the purpose of the Plenary Residents’Seminar (PRS), 12 Departments of Pathologyfrom Portugal were invited to submit2 cases each.Cases will be placed online every monthfrom the end of January to June (4 caseseach month). Each case will have a digitalizedslide and a short clinical history.From these 24 cases, 4 will be selected byProf. Ryska for presentation by Residents atthe Congress.To make this initiative as lively as possible,the organisers would like to invite all Pathologistsand Residents to examine anddiscuss the cases, make comments andpropose diagnoses for each one.To have access to the cases connect tohttp://prs.slidesci.org/ and follow the simpleinstructions displayed on screen.Art ExhibitionDuring the Congress there will be an ArtThe office bearers for the Congress are:Fátima Carneiro(President, ESP),Rui Henrique(President, Portuguese Society of Anatomic Pathology),Manuel Sobrinho Simões(Chairperson, Local Organizing Committee).For information about the Congress contact:CPO HANSER SERVICE GmbHPaulsborner Str. 4414193 BerlinGermanyPhone: +49 – 30 – 300 669-0Fax: +49 – 30 – 305 73 91Email: ecp-lisbon[at]cpo-hanser.deWeb page: www.esp-congress.orgLeft: Manuel Sobrinho Simões (Chairperson, LocalOrganizing Committee), Fátima Carneiro (President,ESP), Fernando Schmitt (a member of the organisingcommittee), Rui Henrique (President, PortugueseSociety of Anatomic Pathology), Robin Cooke (Editorof the IAP News Bulletin).Exhibition “Art Paths in Lisbon.”Two-dimensional creative works will beconsidered, including oil, acrylic, pastel,watercolor, mixed media, collage, pencildrawings, photography, computer-generatedimages, and other media. A specialcategory on “Micro-ART” will be offeredfor submissions based on actual pathologyimages.For more information please contact:Dr. Anna Batistatou, abatista@cc.uoi.grorDr. Dina Tiniakos, dtiniak@med.uoa.grThe Editor thanks Fatima Carneiro, ManuelSobrinho-Simoes and Dina Tiniakos for theinformation on which this article is based.The 50th anniversary of the Foundation Meetingof the European Society of Pathologyheld in Brussels on March 30th, 1963.Dr Carneiro found a handwritten list of theProfessors who attended this meeting. Theywere as follows: Giordano (Italy) Chairman,Scarff (Great Britain), Mellgren (Sweden), Orcel(France), Krauspe (W. Germany), Schornagel(The Netherlands), Giese (W. Germany), Kreyberg(Switzerland), Chiari (Austria), Tavares (Portugal),Gloore (Switzerland), Holle (E. Germany),Teilum and Siem (Denmark), Delarue (France),Uehlinger (Switzerland), and from the BelgianSociety of Pathology- Maisin (President), Dustin(Vice President), Betz (Secretary / Treasurer).(Please excuse any spelling mistakes in this list).This Congress also celebrates two historical events:Clockwise from top left: Universities of Lisbon, Porto and Coimbrain Portugal.Thyroid Pathologyfor the PractisingPathologistJune 6 and 7, 2013 in Paris,FranceTwo day course on ThyroidTumours in English.Under the auspices of the FrenchDivision of IAP.Cost 420 euros. Limited to 22participants.Faculty: Profs. Rudi Heimann, JuanRosai, Manuel Sobrinho-Simões,Giovanni Tallini, Ph. Vielh.Contact : Hélène Moulin. FrenchDiv. IAPEmail : academie.pathologie@wanadoo.frhttp://www.francepathol.orgProf. Dr. h. c. mult. Karl Lennert died on August27th at the age of 91 years. He was one of themost important haematopathologists of the 20thcentury. His concept to classifymalignant lymphomasbecame known as the Kielclassification and formed thebasis of the present WHOclassification of tumours ofthe lymphoid and haematopoietictissues. His viewsinspired many scientists tofocus their work on lymphomaresearch.After his graduation frommedical school in 1945, ProfessorLennert worked at theInstitute of Pathology in Erlangen, at the Max PlanckInstitute in Göttingen and the Senckenberg Instituteof Pathology in Frankfurt, where he habilitated withhis work on lymphogranulomatosis in 1952. In 1960he continued his work at the Institute of Pathology inHeidelberg until he was asked to chair the Institute ofPathology in Kiel in 1963.There he established the internationally knownlymph node registry that was the first diagnostic registryin Germany. Together with A. Stacher and G.Brittinger he founded the Kiel lymphoma study groupin 1972 to combine morphological and clinical findingsof malignant neoplasias of the immune system.He was also the founder of the European AssociationThe latest WHO book‘WHO Classification ofTumours of Soft Tissueand Bone’has just been released.Edited by Christopher DM Fletcher,Julia A Bridge, Pancras C Hogendoorn,Fredrik Mertens.To order copies contact yourbookseller orhttp://www.iarc.fremail: mpa@iarc.frVale Karl Lennert for Haematopathology (EAHP), which is nowadaysone of the most important associations dealing withhaematological disorders including lymph nodes andbone marrow biopsies.Professor Lennert earned numerous national andinternational awards including honorary doctoratesof the Universities of Gent,Cologne, Xian, Madrid andErlangen. He was also memberof the national academyof science of Germany (Leopoldina).Professor Lennert was anexceptional academic teacherand scientist. His studentsgot chairs at the Universitiesof Berlin, Essen, Frankfurtam Main, Göttingen, Lübeckand Würzburg.In 1989 Professor Lennertwas emeritated. His basic work in classifying andunderstanding malignant lymphomas did not onlyinfluence haematopathologists nowadays, but will alsoinfluence future generations.Prof. Martin-Leo HansmannBelow: At the annual meeting of the German Division of the IAPheld in Bonn in February 2007, there was a special session devotedto a Festschrift to Konrad Muller-Hermelink who was retiring asProfessor of Pathology from the University of Wurzburg. The speakersat the Festschrift were either students of Lennert or of Muller-Hermelink.Lennert was too frail to attend the meeting, but the Editor was visitingGunter Kloppel in Kiel a few days before the Festschrift and togetherthey visited Lennert in his home and took a photograph of him. Thismade it possible for him to be seen in spirit to join the speakers at theFestschrift.Lymphoma Symposium speakers. 5th from left, Harald Stein, 6thKonrad Muller- Hermelink, 8th Dietmar Schmidt, 9th MartinHansmann,10th
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