Vol 53 No 2 2012
Vol 53 No 2 2012
Vol 53 No 2 2012
101st Annual Meeting of USCAP in Vancouver, Canada
101st Annual Meeting of USCAP in Vancouver, Canada

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INTERNATIONAL PATHOLOGY (ISSN 0020-8205)published quarterly by the International Academyof Pathology.Circulation 23,000 worldwide.IAP WEBSITEhttp://www.iaphomepage.orgPRESIDENTKristin HenryImperial College London atCharing Cross HospitalFulham Palace Road,London W6 8RFUKEmail: k.henry@imperial.ac.ukSECRETARYDavid F. HardwickUniversity of British ColumbiaFaculty of MedicineE-mail: iap.secretary@ubc.caTREASURERJ. Allan TuckerLouise Lenoir Locke ProfessorUniversity of South AlabamaMobile, USAatucker@usouthal.eduEDITORRobin A. CookeMayne Medical School, University of Queenslandand Pathology QueenslandBrisbane, AustraliaE-mail: cooker@ozemail.com.auDESIGNLuke Perkins GraphicsBrisbane, AustraliaEmail: l.perkins@bigpond.comVol 53 No 2 2012
The year 2011 has been an excellent and event-ful year with many exciting developments in
the advancement of pathology education due tothe hard work and commitment of a large number
of the IAP Divisions and their collaborative activi-ties. New IAP Divisions have been formed, namely
the Balkan, Mexican and Panamanian Divisions.
And Georgia, Turkey and Serbia are in the proc-ess of forming Divisions. 2011 has also seen the
celebration of the 50th Anniversary of two of ourmost active Divisions - the Japanese and BritishDivisions.There has also been sadness; and I would like to
pay homage to Bill Gardner, a longstanding sup-portive member of the IAP who died shortly before
he could take over as IAP Treasurer.I also want to thank Jack Strong for his long,
faithful and wise service to the IAP as Treas-urer. And now we welcome and congratulate Allen
Tucker as the incoming TreasurerThe Education Committee, now with HK Ngas Chairman, continues its mission of support tocountries perceived as especially deserving. Thesecountries include many in Africa, Eastern Europe,the Asia Pacific regions and some Spanish speakingcountries, some of which have not yet formed IAPDivision. Attention has been particularly focusedon the Far Eastern Countries. Requests for supportfrom Cambodia, Phnom Penh, and the Philippineshave been received and approved as well as fromGeorgia. Many more requests are in the pipeline.Message from The President
The IAP in 2011 has also supported Internation-al Scientific Meetings of the Cuban and Ukrainian
Divisions and the 8th Asia Pacific IAP Congress inTaipei, Taiwan which was a great success.The Education Committee currently is engagedin the selection of applicants for the Bursariesawarded to young pathologists enabling theirattendance at the 2012 IAP Congress in CapeTown. In addition to the IAP Bursaries awardedby means of generous donations by a number ofIAP Divisions, there is now provision for Bursary
awards to Senior Pathologists by means of a Cen-tral IAP Senior Bursary Fund. For this Congress
there are also Bursaries to be awarded to patholo-gists from the sub-Saharan African Countries by
virtue of a fund set up by the Friends of Africa - ledby Adeskunle Adesina and Fred Silva. It is hopedthat more Divisions will in future donate fundsfor Bursaries.Interaction between different IAP Divisionscontinues unabated. There are already many such
collaborations as mentioned in my previous ‘Mes-sage from the President’ Recent collaborations
are the Central European Technical Transfer inDiagnostic Pathology Meetings set up by theHungarian Division which in this its 7th year isbeing held jointly with the Austrian Division; andthe planned collaboration between USCAP andthe Hong Kong Division.
The setting up of Assemblies in certain geo-graphical areas such as the South American/
Spanish Speaking and APIAP (Asia Pacific IAP)Assemblies is an excellent model for collaboration,offering many advantages in the setting up anddelivery of educational programmes by poolingeducational resources. More countries in otherglobal areas might also benefit from the formationof Assemblies.
Interaction of the IAP with other Pathology So-cieties is also beneficial in terms of devising joint
educational programmes, as is the link formed
between the IAP and European Society of Pathol-ogy with joint ESP/IAP symposium now taking
place every year during the European Congress ofPathology. It should also be noted that the 2016IAP International congress in Bonn will be heldjointly with the ESP.The five Schools of Pathology set up betweenContinued back page
2Report of the 101st Annual Meetingof The United States and CanadianAcademy of PathologyMarch 17-23, Vancouver, British Columbia
View across Vancouver Harbour
The General Registration of the meeting was thehighest in the history of USCAP attendance -4458. 25% of the registrants were from more than 24countries outside of the US and Canada. The biggestnumber (121) was from the Japanese Division andthe second biggest (84) was from the AustralasianDivision.
Our total USCAP Membership is over 9,350 physi-cian-pathologists. (The apparent decline in member-ship from the numbers reported in 2011 reflects a
change in the membership accounting data). 2,000of these are Junior members. 1,286 residents/fellowsattended this meeting. A number of special functionswere included in the program to cater for the juniormembers. Some of these are illustrated in the photosin this News Bulletin.Dr. Greg Fuller served a distinguished and quite activeterm as President of the USCAP. He turned over thegavel and the Presidency to Dr. Linda Ferrell as thenew President of the Academy.Scientific abstracts:3083 scientific abstracts were submitted for evaluation;this was the most in our history. 71% were acceptedas poster presentations. The abstracts are all on line onthe USCAP website: www.uscap.org.AwardsStowell – OrbisonAwards for the bestscientific posterpresentation:
The four co-equal re-cipients of this award
[1008] Comprehen-sive Molecular On-cogenomic Profiling
& microRNA Analysisof Prostate Cancer.Seema Sethi, DejuanKong, Greg Dyson,Wael Sakr, Fazlul Sarkar.
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.[1620] Identification of Anaerobic Bacteria UsingMALDI-TOF MS Bruker Biotyper SystemYen-Michael S Hsu, Carey-Ann D Burnham.Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis,MO.[1656] The Effects of Oxidative Stress on DendriticCell Migration and T-Cell Interaction
Ibrahim Batal, Jamil Azzi, Marwan Mounayar, Be-chara Mfarrej, Reza Abdi.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA.
[1819] Therapeutic Combination of Novel Mi-tochondrial Hsp90 Inhibitors, Gamitrinibs, with
Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Inhibitors ExertsTherapeutic Activity Against Glioblastoma In Vivoand In Vitro without Significant ToxicityMarkus D Siegelin, Dario C Altieri.Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons,New York, NY; The Wistar Institute Cancer Center,Philadelphia, PA.There were 4 co-recipients of Certificates ofMerit:The Institutions from which they came were:Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,MO;A number of Universities in the UK; A number of
Universities in Canada; Weill Cornell Medical Col-lege, NY.
The ADASP/USCAP AutopsyAward winningabstract was:[4] Does Genotyping
for Warfarin Sensi-tivity Save Lives? A
Study of Individualson Warfarin WhoDied of Bleeding .Charlene Hellman,Clarissa Krinsky, SarahLathrop, MohammadA Vasef.
University of New Mex-ico, Albuquerque, NM.
Stowell Orbison Awards, Markus Siegelin, Yen-Michael s. Hsu, SeemaSethi,
Above: Nathan KaufmanTimely Topics Lecturer, BogdanCzerniak.Right: Maude Abbott lecturer,Robert Kurman.
The ADASP/USCAP Surgical PathologyAwardee was:
[325] Carotid Plaque Inflammation and Morphol-ogy Is Associated with Early Stroke Recurrence.
Susan Prendeville, Michael Marnane, Aine Merwick,Orla Sheehan, Niamh Hannon, Tim Grant, Peter Kelly,Niall Mulligan.Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and UniversityCollege Dublin, Ireland.CoursesThe Long Course entitled “Building On The Past,Moving To the Future” was presented by Drs. StevenSwerdlow and Elias Campo. It was attended by 713registrants. It included a CD that contained over 600images. It was well received and will be published in thenext year in Modern Pathology.Sixty half-day Short Courses were presented:The total registration for Short Courses taken was 5495(the highest in history). All Short Courses this year hadSelf-Assessment Modules (SAM) available.Six Special Courseswere offered:“A Practical Guideto Molecular Testingin Cancer” headed byDr. Julia Bridge (Univ.Nebraska) was “sold
out” attracting virtu-ally a maximum room
number of 495 regis-trants on Monday. This
course has a CD in ad-dition to the extensive
“Advanced Molecu-lar Pathology”
headed by Dr. Fre-deric Barr, (Univ. of
Pennsylvania) on Tuesday attracted 252 registrants andincluded a CD in addition to the extensive syllabus.“Careers in Investigative Pathology” directed by Drs.Massimo Loda (Brigham & Women’s/Dana Farber)and David Berman (Johns Hopkins) was sub titled
“Get Published”. It is now in its third year and it at-tracted 107 attendees.
“Navigating the Academic Waters: A Survival Coursefor Residents/Junior Faculty” by Dr. Sharon Weiss(Emory University). It also was “sold out” with 104attendees.“Basic Principles of Cytology”This was a day long Course by Dr. Tarik Elsheikh’s(Cleveland Clinic). It had 346 registrants.
“Introduction to Molecular Pathology for the Prac-membership as the man behind the camera. Many of
the photographs that have appeared on Academy publi-cations and its website over the years are Robin’s unique
contributions to the successes of the Academy.His biosketch is on the USCAP web site.The F.K. Mostofi Distinguished Service AwardDr. Celeste Powers (Medical College of Virginia).For her important, multiple, and extraordinary effortsand achievements to the Academy. Celeste was further
recognized for her efforts by her election to Vice Presi-dent of the Academy at the 2012 meeting.
tising Pathologist” by Dr. Jennifer Hunt (Univ. Arkan-sas). This was a new course and it had 264 registrants.
Companion SocietiesTwenty Six Companion Societies presented theireducational endeavors on Saturday night and
This year two new Com-panion Societies were
added:Association for PathologyInformatics (API) and theAssociation of VeterinaryPathology.
67% of all attendees at-tended at least one Com-panion Society Sympo-sium.
The Nathan KaufmanTimely Topic Lecture“The Cancer Genome:
A Step Towards Person-alized Therapy” was given
by Dr. Bogdan Czerniak from M. D. Anderson.The fifty-fourth Maude Abbot Lecture
“Ovarian Carcinogenesis. Myths, Models, and Para-digms. Observations of a Biology Watcher” was given
by Dr. Robert Kurman (Johns Hopkins).The Distinguished Pathologist AwardDr. Steven Silverberg
For his long-term, distinguished service in the develop-ment of the discipline of pathology and the USCAP.
His biosketch is on the USCAP web site.The President’s AwardDr. Robin CookeRobin is from Australia and he is best known to ourAbove left:DistinguishedPathologistAwardee, StephenSilverberg, andGreg Fuller.Above centre:Robin Cookereceived thePresident’s Award,from PresidentGreg Fuller.The photographwas takenby OsamuMatsubara,President of theJapanese Divisionof IAP. Osamustarted the NewsBulletin of theJapanese Divisionand becameknown by hisfriends as the‘Robin Cooke’ ofJapan.
Above: FK Mostofi Award, Celeste Powers, andGreg Fuller.Below: Ramzi Cotran Young Investigator Award,Christina Antonescu, with Jeffrey Golden.
IAP Executive Meeting: Seated: Samir Amr (Pres elect), AntonioLlombart-Bosch, Florabel Mullick (past Pres.), Eduardo Santini-Arujo,Sylvia Asa, Kristin Henry (Pres), David Hardwick (Sec.), HK Ng(Chair Education Com.)Standing: Robin Cooke (Ed. News Bulletin), Ray McMahon, PeterMeister, Claude Cuvelier, Alan Tucker (Treas.), Jim Crimmins (Bus.Manager), Robert Osamura, George Kontogeorgos, Fred Silva, MartinHale (Organiser of 2012 Congress).
continued page 5
Above: Greg Lauwers presents Daniel Winer withthe Benjamin Castleman Award.Below: F. Stephen Vogel Award, ElisabethDemicco.
The Ramzi Cotran Young Investigator AwardDr. Cristina Antonescu (New York Hospital – Weill
Cornell School of Medicine). For her major work in mo-lecular mechanisms of oncogenesis in gastrointestinal
stromal tumors (GIST), and molecular characteriza-tion of novel fusion genes, which may serve as specific
molecular markers in diagnosis and prognosis of softtissue and bone tumors, as well as potential therapeutictargets.The Benjamin Castleman Award for the mostoutstanding paper in the field of humanpathology.Dr. Daniel Winer (University Health Network, Toronto)
for his paper entitled “B Cells Promote Insulin Resist-ance Through Modulation of T-Cells and Production
of Pathogenic IgG Antibodies”, published in NatureMedicine 17(5): 610-617, May 2011. The Award was
presented by Dr. Greg Lauwers, Vice-Chair of Pathol-ogy at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
The F. Stephen Vogel Award for the mostoutstanding paper published in an Academyjournal by a pathologist-in-training.
Dr. Elizabeth Demicco (MD Anderson) for her pa-per entitled, “The dichotomy in carcinogenesis of
the distal esophagus and esophagogastric junction:intestinal-type vs cardiac-type mucosa associatedadenocarcinoma” published in Modern Pathology
(2011- vol: 24, pp 1177–1190).The Harvey Goldman Master Teacher AwardDr. Virginia LiVolsi (Univ. Pennsylvania)
The USCAP, in conjunction with Beth Israel Deacon-ess Hospital/Harvard, presented this award.
The 19 evening Specialty ConferencesThese are organ-based, and are held from 7:30-9:30PM, a testimony to the continuing endurance of the
meeting’s registrants. All of the evening Specialty Con-ferences are online on the Academy’s website. SAMs
are offered for participation in these conferences.Other educational endeavors by the USCAPthese past few years include:MyPath a new online service was launched at themeeting. See the website for details.
The First and Largest American Board of Pathology-Left: President of
USCAP 2012,Greg Fuller andhis wife Tina.
Background atright: Gas TownClockAbove: Harvey Goldman Master Teacher Award, Virginia Li Volsi with Jeffrey Saffitz.Above right: Greg Fuller hands the gavel of office to the new President, Linda Ferrell.Above far right: Greg Fuller presents Stuart Schnitt the previous President with a commemorativemedal.
Above: Linda Ferrell and her group at the Award Ceremony.Below: Three Presidents - Bruce Alexander, (Pres. American Society forClinical Pathology), Greg Fuller (Pres. USCAP), Stan Robboy (Pres. Collegeof American Pathologists).
Left: RobinCooke andsome delegatesfrom Australia.Anthony Gill,Betty Lin,Bastian De Boer,Robin Cooke,Ben Haagsma,Debra Jensen,Paul McKenzie,WarickDelprado.Right: Residentsat SundayBreakfast.
approved “Self Assessment Modules” (SAM).All of the educational activities of the USCAP arenow eligible for SAMS credits.
The eAcademy. This continues to grow and to diver-sify (go to: www.uscap.org for further information).
Altruistic activitiesThis year the “Friends of Africa” program raised$112,000 to support the travel of sub-Saharan African
pathologists to the International Academy of Pathol-ogy congress to be held in Cape Town later this year.
USCAP “Knowledge Hub/Pathology Portal”. Thisfree service continues to attract numerous usersExhibitorsWith 130 exhibitors, this proved to be our largestExhibit Show in history. The Academy has twicewon Tradeshow Week’s Award for the “Fastest 50Growing Shows”.New initiatives for our Junior members
Saturday Leadership Seminar for residents con-ducted by Dr. Carol Farver (Cleveland Clinic). It
was fully subscribed and a huge success. It will beaugmented at future meetings.A cocktail reception for residents, members of theUSCAP Council and Ambassadors designed forour future leaders to meet our present ones.Fellowship Fair with 40-55 institutions to discusshundreds of fellowships (this year 45).The evening Specialty Conference just for housestaff/fellows.
The House Staff Hospitality Lounge where Acad-emy and Pathology leaders from throughout North
America gathered to talk with the house staff.In addition the Weiss and Loda/Berman courseslisted above are aimed to these young pathologists.The most significant changes to our USCAPCommittees:Dr. Jeff Myers (University of Michigan), is thePresident-Elect of the Academy;Dr. Celeste Powers (Medical College of Virginia) isthe Vice President.
Next years Annual USCAP meeting will be in Balti-more, Maryland, from March 2-8, 2013. Thanks for
all your support for all those we serve--our patients,our physicians and our students.
Bruce R. Smoller, Secretary-Treasurer and Execu-tive Vice President,
USCAP.April 1, 2012
Above: Jeff Myers and Linda Ferrell using My Path beforeits presentation to the public.Left: Monday Lunch with Fred Silva.
Residents’ Workshop Saturday Carol Farver(Convenor first left), Richard Zarbo (secondlast right).
Above: Ismail Matalka, (President Elect,Arab Division of IAP. Chairman of the ArabSchool of Pathology and Chairman of theDepartment of Pathology at JUST); Samir SAmr, (President Elect, IAP); Husam Telfah,(Consultant Pathologist, Jordan University of Science andTechnology (JUST), Irbid, Jordan); Samer Al-Basheer, (Fellowin Surgical Pathology at the University of Calgary, Canada {Ona scholarship from JUST}).
Above left: Aurelio Ariza (Past Pres) andRicardo Gonzalez-Campora, (currentPres) of the Spanish Society of Pathologyand Spanish Division of the IAP.Above: John Ryan and his wife, Miriamfrom Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital,Drogheda, Ireland.Below: Monday lunch - floor space only.
Above: Monday Lunch: Bruce Smollerwith a Resident.Left: Endocrine Pathology groupSaturday: (L to R) Gunter Kloppel,Art Tischler, Daniel Winer, SylviaAsa, Vânia Nose, Ozgur Mete, GeorgeKontogeorgos.
Below: Council members of USCAP (L to R) Chris Fletcher, Laura Lamps, Bruce Smoller (Exec.VP), Linda Ferrell (Pres elect), Adam Bagg, Joel Greenson, John Eble, Stuart Schnitt (Past Pres),Fred Barr, Esther Oliva, Christina Isacson, Greg Fuller (Pres).
Two winners of Ipads from lucky door prizesMonday Lunch.
USCAP Annual Meeting cintinued
different IAP Divisions continue to flourish. Notablein 2011 was the 9th Arab British School of Pathologywhich took place in the Sudan in Khartoum. And a
new development for the German Division’s Inter-national Junior Academy Summer School is that this
year the 5th summer School will take place outsideGermany in Dublin Ireland in collaboration with theBDIAP. More Schools of Pathology are needed!With regard to the President’s Working Party onEducational Initiatives (WPEI) set up last year, itspro-active ‘outreach’ programme of visiting GoodwillAmbassadors/Lecturers to underserved countries withpoor educational facilities and resources is beingdeveloped. Already there are proposals for two suchVisiting Ambassadorial programmes for 2012. It ishoped details of the programme can soon be accessedon the IAP website .
Despite all the above educational efforts and achieve-ments of the IAP Divisions and their collaborative
successes, many challenges remain as to the effectivedelivery of pathology education worldwide. Among
the most important of these challenges are those im-posed by travel restrictions due to cost; Central IAP
has limited funds to allocate to the Education Com-mittee. Restriction in travel also results from ethnic
and gender problems and in obtaining visas. Thenthere are the increasing constraints in time available toengage in educational programmes - both on the partof teachers and participants. Language can also present
problems. Central IAP is dedicated to finding solu-tions including ways of generating income. However,
in the final analysis, I cannot emphasise too stronglythat of prime importance in the delivery of effectiveinternational pathology education is dependent on the
success and strengths of its Divisions and in the col-laboration between the Divisions.
We now all look forward to the 2012 IAP Interna-tional Congress in Cape Town – the first time an IAP
Congress has been held on the Continent of Africa.
The number of Bursaries to be awarded for this Con-gress has been increased so there will be attendance by
a large number of young pathologists. The scientificprogramme under the Presidency of Martin Hale isimpressive and should also ensure good attendance byIAP members.Kristin HenryPresident, International Academy of PathologyMarch 1st 2012Below: Tuesday Lunch. Linda Ferrell greeting residents as they waitedin line (in a queue) for food
Right: Lunch with HenryAppleman.Left: Alistair Birt and ElizabethWhelan, British Division.Below: Uropathology groupSaturday (L to R) John Srigley(Past Pres), Rodolfo Montironi(Pres), Dan Berney, AdaboyeOsunkoya, Victor Reuter,Christina Magi-Gallucci, HemaSamaratunga and Kiril Trpkov.Below right: Endocrine SocietyWolf Prize winner - DanielWiner. (Best paper to aScientific Journal - [Nature]).
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