Vol 52 No 2 2011
Vol 52 No 2 2011
Vol 52 No 2 2011
Report of the 100th Annual Meeting of The United
Report of the 100th Annual Meeting of The United
States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, San Antonio Texas
States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, San Antonio Texas

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INTERNATIONAL PATHOLOGY (ISSN 0020-8205)published quarterly by the International Academyof Pathology.Circulation 23.000 worldwide.lAP WEBSITEhttp://www.iaphomepage.orgPRESIDENT "Kristin HenryImperial College London atCharing Cross HospitalFulham Palace Road,London W6 8RFUKEmail: k.henry@imperiaLac.ukSECRETARYDavid F. HardwickUniversity of British ColumbiaFaculty of MedicineE-maiL iap.secretary@ubc.caTREASURERJack P StrongBoyd ProfessorLouisiana State University Medical CenterNew Orleans, USAE-mail: jstron@lsubc.eduEDITORRobin A. CookeMayne Medical School, University of QueensLindand Pathology QueenslandBrisbane, AustraliaE-mail: cooker@ozemaiLcom.auDESIGNLuke Perkins GraphicsBrisbane, AiutraliaEmail: LpeTkins@bigpondcomTOWN . SOUTH AFRICA30 Sep.-5 Oct. 2012www.iap2012congress.comPathologyA NEWS BULLETIN Vol 52 No 2 2011Report of the 100th Annual Meeting of The UnitedStates and Canadian Academy of PathologyFebruary 26 - March 4, San Antonio, TexasComment from the EditorOn Ihis special occasion of the 100th meetingot the USCAP and the 13lh and final report byFred Siiva, I would litre to have permission togive an abbreviated report, partly because itis recorded in tull on the web site, and partlybecause I would like to have more space torecognise some ot the younger pathologislsand trainees who will be Fred's enduringlegacy.I have read and edited tor publication in theNews Bulletin all ot Fred's reports tor the past13 years. He loves numbers - the bigger thebetter. The numbers have steadily increasedunder his stewardship and this year they are'about to leave the planet.'A recent statistic ot which he is proud Is thatat this meeting they had the largest groupThe lOOch Meeting saw 4225 physician-pathologistsin attendance - the second highest inthe history of USCAP (4262 in Boston in 2009).There were 880 international visitors from 61countries outside of the USA and Canada. The total USCAP membership now stands at over 10,600physiclan-pathologlsts. In July 1999 there were520 junior members. 6,800 additional juniors havebeen recruited in the 13 years since then. Many ofthem are now regular members. In this 13 years thepercentages of juniors attending the meeting haverisen from 41% to 85%. It appears that the current'steady state' of 2000 attending the meeting? wasreached about 5 years ago.With 121 exhibitors and 285 booths, this provedto be our largest Exhibit Show in history. Dr. Stuart Schnitt served a distinguished and quite aaiveterm as President. He turned over the gavel andthe Presidency to Dr. Greg Fuller. Dr. Linda Ferrellp) IsP^ident-EleCT, ^d Dr. Jeffrey Myers isBflow: ftra Silf/i arta his lifi long support team "Lindsay and Jean.^0^W M: ■'r - rV/niljlSniriposset ilu P^ rtsi^cy^d ilie^vet) IdGrrg FuUer the ineoming I'mident 2011Juan Rotai receives the lAP Gold Medal awardjrom Antonio Llomban-Bosch and DavidHardwick.Stephen Stemberg receives aDistinguished Pathologist awareLBen Cattleman Awardpresented to Anthony Gill and JiaquiShi by David Louis. Pathologist in chief. Mass Gen HospitalBoston.Above; Sylvia Asa receives the F.K.Mostofi Distinguished Service Award.Left: Henry Appleman and DonaldAntonioli with Mrs. Harvey Goldman- Eleonora Galvanek. They were thefirst recipients of the Harvey GoldmanawareLRainzi Cotran Young Investigator Awardpresented to Shuji Ogino by MichaelGimbrone, Chairman Brigham and WomensPathology Dept. Boston.Below; Actors re-enacting the battle of theAlamoBelow right; David and William Crockett.Descendants of Davy Crockett one of theheroes of the Alamo. They had not met eachother before.Far left: Fred Silva with ElaineJaffi, Maude Abbott lecturer.Left; Nathan Kaufinan Timely Topics lecturer, GuiUermoTeameythe Vice President. 2678 scientific abstracts were submitted. A record total of 1960 were accepted (73%).354 Stowell-Orbison Abstracts were submitted byjunior pathologists. 249 were accepted (70%). Therewere four co-equal Stowell-Orbison Awards presentedand four co-equal Certificates of Merit.Stowell-Orbison Awards• Stephen S. Koh, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (Poster#66 - Abstract #493).• Lori Edwards, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON,Canada - (Poster #182 - Abstract #1254).• Gabriel A Bien-Willner - Washington University, StLouis, MO (Poster #212 - Abstract #1607).• Christopher Heaphy, The Johns Hopkins UniversitySchool of Medicine, Baltimore, MD (Poster #219 -Abstract #1688).Certificate of Merit Awards• Carlos L. De Andrea, Leiden University MedicalCenter, Netherlands (Poster #10 - Abstract #33.)• Alejandro A. Gru, Washington University Schoolof Medicine, St. Louis, MO (Poster #18 - Abstract#161).• Nikoletta Sidiropoulos, Fletcher Allen health Care/University of Vermont, Burlington, VT (Poster #55-Abstract #434).• Nikhil A. Sangle, University of Utah & ARUP Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT (Poster #168 - Abstract#1357).ADASP/USCAP Autopsy Award• Huankai Hu, University Hospital of Cleveland, CaseMedical Center, OH (Poster #7-Abstract #9).ADASP/USCAP Surgical Pathology Award• Yaqiong Li, Wakayama Medical University, Japan(Poster #70 - Abstract #580).The long course and the short courses were as usualof a very high standard and many of them were 'soldout.' The 19 evening Specialty Conferences from 7.30to 9.30 were also well attended. 67% of all attendeesattended at least one of the 26 Companion Societymeetings on Saturday night and Sunday.The Nathan Kaufinan Timely Topic Lectureby Dr. Guillermo J. Tearney of Harvard/MIT wasentitled 'Endoscopic Microscopy: Brid^ng the Radiology-Pathology Divide.'The 53r<i Maude Abbot Lectureby Elaine JafFc was entitled: 'The Microscope as a Toolfir Disease Discovery'.The Distinguished Pathologist AwardDr. Stephen S. Sternberg was recognized by theAcademy membership for his major and extensivecontributions to pathology over the years.The President's Awardwas presented this year to Dr. FredSilva. Fred's dedication and workfor the Academy is way 'aboveand beyond the call of duty.'Please see the USCAP Websiteof the 2011 Annual Meeting fordetails about this outstandingand dedicated individual whohas contributed so much to pathology world-wide.The EK. Mostofi DistinguishedService AwardDr. Sylvia Asa was recognised for her importantmultiple, and extraordinary efforts and achievements on behalf of the Academy.The Ramzi Cotran Young Investigator Awardto Dr. Shuji Ogino of theBrigham and Women's Hospital,Dana-Farber Cancer Institute andHarvard Medical School for hismajor work in Molecular Pathological Epidemiology.The Benjamin CastlemanAwardfor the most out.standing paper in the fieldof human pathology was awarded to two individuals this year:Dr. Anthony Gill for his paper entitled "Itnmmohistochemistryfir SDHB Divides Gastrointestinal StromalTumors (GISTs) into 2 Distinct Types" in the AmericanJournal of Surgical Pathology 2010: 34:636-644;and Dr Jiaqi Shi for his paper in the International J.of Cancer 2010: 126(2): 395-404 entitled'Increased expression ofthe heterogeneous nuclear ribo-,jn^opromxct(in'pancTtiadc=camenmdiisitssocamon "with the mutant p53.'The Awards were presented by Dr. David Louis,Chair of MGH/Boston.The E Stephen Vogel Awardfor the most outstanding paper published inan Academy journal by a pathologist-in-trainingwent to Dr. Jose Gaal, in the Erasmus Medical Center, Netherlands for his paper entided :'SDHB Immunohistochemistry : A Usejul Toolin the Diagnosis of Carney-Stratakis and CarneyTriad Gastrointestinal Tumors in Modem Pathology2010: 1-5'Harvey Goldman Master TeacherAward.The USCAP in conjunction withBeth Israel Deaconess Hospital/Harvard announced the institution ofthis Award. The first awardees areDrs. Donald Antonioli and HenryCOMPDAppelman.Next years large Annual USCAP meeting will be inVancouver, British Columbia, Canada from March17-23, 2012.Editorial commentWhat Fred has done is there for all to see, but there aresome activities about which he is particularly proud(and rightly so). He embraced the use of theelectronic media for communicating withthe membership and for deliveringeducational materials. (He says thatin 1999 he did not know howto turn on a computer.) Thisresulted in(l)The USCAP Website (www.uscap.org) which is crammedwith educational materials thatare free. It is a beautifully presented web site and it is no wonderthat the hits are numbering in themillions and the downloads are trendingin the same direction.(2) Self Assessment modules and CME programmesonline for members. He took particular trouble to bring in new initiatives for Juniormembers which have borne fruit asindicated already in this report, andwhich will be his enduring legacy.He made considerable efforts topursue an outreach programmeof assistance to pathologists inunderserved countries, especially those in East and West Africa.Fred finishes his 13th and finalreport to the USCAP with hissignature salutation:"Thanks for all your support for allthose we serve~our patients, our physicians and our students."Fred Silva, Secretary-Treasurer and Executive VicePresidetu, USCAP, March 11,2011.And thanks to you, Fred. It has been an education, anhonour and a privilege to know and to work with you.I hope that you andJean will find plenty ofchallengingthings to occupy you in the comingyears.-Robin Cooke, EditorHenry li (ionzale! (1916 - 2000). He ipem 45 yearsin poliiics n Local, State and then in Congress.In Congress he became Chairman of a HouseCommitsee and was responsible for getting the1968 World Fair in San Antonio. It was calledthe Hemis Fair. This resulted in the building ofthe big Convention Center, the River Center andthe Hemis Fair Park. Thesefacilities have greatlyincreased tourism to San Antonio.Two delegates who were amongstthe 50 who did the 5 km if' sn runfor the Cancer Fund. GerhardSeitz, Germany and Sigurd Lax,Austria.The President presents Anna-MelissaCavazos - Director of DistinguishedGiving n San Antonio Chapter of theAmerican Cancer Society with a checkfor S3.500from the 5 km run.Above: Residents' Fair -Jeffrey Myers University ofMichigan stand.Lffi: RichardZarbo receives the Past Presidents'medalAbove: AlanTtideer wiiha pester by one of his JormerjtUmt/t, Kenneth Whilbaus.Insets left: Commemorative Replica of a Texas Ranger Badge and a Cinco Peso SilverCoinJrorn which it is made.ill millf'-f ici uEDITOR'S REPORTTlceThis memorable occasion was celebrated in manyways during the meeting in San Antonio. As Editor of the News Bulletin I tried to capture some ofthose celebrations.The current Board of management of the USCAPwas photographed during the lunch break in theirbusy agenda.A dinner lecture was given by Sir Ken Robinsonan internationally recognized leader in the development of creativity, innovation and human resources.After tiie lecture the incoming President of theUSCAR Greg Fuller presented him with a silver starwhich was the medal of office of theJexas Rangers.This was accompanied by a book about this famousgroup of law enforcers in the lawless early days ofthe State ofTexas.A 'fun run' was arranged for early one morning.This raised a significant amount of money for theSan Antonio branch of the American Cancer Society. At the same time there was a very big 'fun run'being staged in the Hemisfair Park on the Southernend of the Convention CenterThis is an annual fundraising event for the Cystic Fibrosis Association.An Art Show revealed many talented artistsamongst the pathology fraternity. Sale of the Artworks raised money for the Foundation of theAcademy. This Fund is already supporting manyeducational and philanthropic projects.Another major milestone in the history of theAcademy was ^e retirement of the Executive vicePresident. Fred Siiva. This was celebrated with anevening cocktail party.The Residents' Fair at which the various Pathology Departments in North America advertisetheir training programs was introduced a few yearsago. This year it was even more successful than inthe past. It is a noisy and joyous function. I hopethat I can convey some of this atmosphere in thephotographs. These young people, full of youthfulenergy and enthusiasm will be Fred's legacy to theAcademy.There were also some other events about which Ibecame awafe.TTie"fifst"USCAP meeting that bothFred and I attended was in Washington in 1976.Thatwas an eventful meeting because it was the last jointmeeting of the USCAP and the lAP Both of theseorganisations had their birth in the InternationalBelow: USCAP Council meeting: Seated: Laura Lamp!. UndaFerrell. Kathleen Cho, Fred Silva, Bruce Smolier. Standing KerryCrockett, Mary Richardson, Richard Zarbo, Chris Fletcher, GregFuller, Andy Rensham Stuart Schnitt, Allen Gown, John Eble. DavidHardwick. Fred Barr.Top: Residents' Fair n a crowded, noisy andjoyous occasion.Right: Organiser! of the Art ShowJenniferHunt, Stuart Schnitt. Kerry Crockett.Far right: Fred Silva and his portraitFar right below:Jeffiey Myers with SirKen Robinson and the book on the Historyofthe Texas Rangers.Below: Fiorabei MuUick receives the goldmedal award of the lAP from AntonioLlomhart-Bosch and David Hardwick.Association of Medical Museums that was founded byMaude Abbott in 1906. KashMostof was President ofboth Associations during thelead up to the 1976 meeting, and at the meeting hewas able finally to announcethe formal separation of thetwo bodies. The photographfrom that meeting shows Peter Gedigk, (President of thelAP 1979-1981),Kash Mostofiwho at that time was ^econtinued back pageRight: Historic American Society of Neuropathologists USCAP -Centennial Lectures. Chaired by Greg Fuller and Suzanne Powell.Left to right; Tarik Tthan (Univ of Catijomia, San Francisco), GregFuller (M D Antlerson Cancer Center), Peter Burger (Johns HopkinsUniversity). Marc Rosenbtum (Memorial Sloan-Kettering CancerCenter), Tony Yachnis (Univ of Tlarida, Gainesville), Suzitnne Powell(The Methodist HospitaU Weill Cornell Medical College).The American Association of Neuropathologists (AANP) wasestablished around 1930 as a professional and educationalorganization of American Neuropathologjsts. The Association, whosemission is to advance the science andpractice of neuropathoiogy, wasformally incorporated in I960 and today has over 800 members,with many foreign members. For the historic 100th meeting of theUSCAP, Dr. Marc Rasenblum delivered the AANP CompanionSociety Centertnial Review lecture with an outstandingpresentationentitled "A Look Back at the History of Surgical Neuropathoiogy."Right below: Nephropath - sponsor of the Residents' Fair.rcMfl qi IEISEVIERPathologisisfrom Singaport and Thailand wijocould not find the VliClAl' mn and joinedthe Cynic Fibrosis run and climb of the Towerof the Americas instead. This was conductedin Hemis Fair Park South of she ConventionCenter. The park was made to accommodatethe I96S world fair.JAMSAbove: Residents' Fair n University of Arkansas.Left: Elsevier book stand. Madelene Hyde senior publisheron left.Beloiv: Residents' Fair - Rotwell Cancer Institute.lUAN ROSAI C0LLECT10^nCM. rATMOIOCiV >tMINARS' ■■-^MedicalCenterAbove: The Aperio stand advertising the jtutn Rosai CollectionRight: Resident!' Fair - Ohio State University Medical Center.CDAVISSvs jtMAbove: Residents' Fair - UC Davis Health System.Right: Residents' Fair • Brown Alpert Medical School.Below: Residents' Fair ■ Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.continuedretiring President of the lAP and Murray Abell who wasthe current President of USCARThey are with LeahShander who had just organised her first InternationalCongress of the lAP She remained the official CongressOrganiser of lAP Congresses until her retirement thirtyyears later in 2006.At this 100th meeting of the USCAR Florabel Mullick,the retiring President of the lAP received a goldmedal for distinguished contributions to the lAP Beforebecoming President Florabel was Secretary from 1994.She is the first female Director the first civilian Director and also the last Director of the Armed ForcesInstitute of Pathology. She had the disappointing taskof de commissioning the AFIP which since its establishment in 1862 has been a world leader in Education andResearch. It had an excellent consultation service and awonderful publication service.When I visited the AFIP after the Congress in Washington in 1976, Ron Neafie showed me through thebuilding. We went to a basement room where at thattime they. .bad. the printing facility Hprp pilpH high OMfrywhere,there v^'ere the sheets of pages of the book'Pathology of Tropical and Extraordinary Diseases' andthe red covers ready to be added to them. Apart fromtheTumor Fascicles, this book must have been the mostfamous of the AFIP publications. I purchased a copy andRon and many of the other authors kindly autographedit for me.Rob/n Coofce, EditorBelow: USCAP meeting in 'iVashitipon 1976. The last meetingbefore the USCAP and the lAP were made separate entities. PeterGedigk (I'resident of lAP 1979-1981) Rash Mostofi (retiringPresident oflAP). Murray Abell (President ofUSCAP). LeahShander ivho was Congress organiser of this Congress and thenofficial Congress Organiser of lAP until 2006.Bottom: Ron Neafie, Nov 1976, in she publications section of theAFIP with she 'Pathology ofTropical and Extraordinary Diseases'books ready so be bound.Right: A group of Brazilian delegates including Venancio Alves.Fernando Soares. Helenice Gobbi./' tUAbove:A group of Australian iMrgates. SanjivJain, David Ellis, JaneDahlsrroni, William de Boer, Paul McKenzie. Anthony Gill.Below: Residents' Fair • Massachusetts General Hospitalvandc'billUniversityUedicelCenterPatnologyFellowshipProgramsAbove: Residents' Fair n Vanderbih University Medical Center. PaisilPaukesekon. Robert Hoffinan, Giovanna Giannico.Below: Residents' Fair - Emory University)fBl^«flcRc«rpw EjpriBuii «i AflLil VjiauartiinwiAbove: Karen Chishobn and her poster.Below: Residents' Fair n South Western Medical Center.NATURE PUBLISHING GROUPMOOIKN !Oet your FREE copies here!Aboiv: Viewing the Art SIsoutBelow: Advertising the lAP Congress in South Africa Sept 30to Oct 5. 2012Jim Crimmins, Martin Hate and USCAP inVancouver^Pi\\\.MeXhO^XSt TheMeHospitgII- li i-iavnijnJfllSoi.nr.iB.oB. ')River Center - apopular place forphotogaphs. Oneof a number ofdebutantes beingphotographedwith the RiverCenter as abackdrop.Left above: Nature Publishing Group. Publisher ofUSCAP journals.Above: Residents' Fair n Uni ofWashington.laft: Residents' Fair - Methodist Hospitalre^^USETs, _^WILEY-8LACKWELLLEAOING^RtUttY~iAbove: Residents' Fair - North Westent UniversityBeloiv left: Wiley-Blacktvell with senior editor.Elizabeth Whelan.Beloto: Residents' Fair - Memorial Sloan-KetteringCancer Center.Sloitn-Kcucriiig Cancer CenterNew York, NYUNITED STATES & CANADIANACADEMY OF PATHOIOOV
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